Thursday, July 30, 2020

RCMP ‘Burying the Evidence’ with indecent haste & a backhoe

Regimes all over the world, all throughout history, call it “BURYING THE LEDE” : bulldoze the evidence & there’s no news story....
Thanks to a judge shoving a gun into the RCMP’s mouth and ordering them to cough, we now know just a little more about what the RCMP’s Wortman search warrants (35 years too late) were looking for.

It seems there were multiple eye witness allegations that Gabe’s main property at Portapique was quite the little shop of horrors.

The number of crimes witnesses alleged had happened there could have/should have keep the mounties looking for years - as they did at the Picton Farm.

But then Willie boy wasn’t a valued CI was he ?

The blood was barely dry on countless victim’s car doors, windows and seats before the bulldozers moved onto the ‘lead crime scene’ burying any evidence there might be of secret tunnels and secret rooms of horror and bodies buried on site/en suite.

Ultimately we might need a judge ordering a good old fashioned exhumation cum excavation to find out what was hidden on Wortman’s main Portapique residence....

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