Sunday, July 12, 2020

Buying & Selling Property was in the Trump & Wortman Genes

real estate TYPHOONS, spreading destruction wherever they go...
It is no secret that Donald Trump and Gabriel Wortman didn’t always see eye-to-eye with their Fathers, Fred Trump and Paul Wortman.

Both fathers and both sons were a piece of work : because they all were domineering and schemer-dreamers, they were bound to fight hard with each other —- and fight often.

But despite this, both father-and-son combos did share a common love : wheeling and dealing in real estate were the Alpha and Omega of their lives.

Scheming individuals with short fuses don’t make the best property owners.

Because property boundaries are something that comes with property : and prickly people who readily find it easy to start fights see their property boundaries (and boundaries in general) as something worth fight over.

When Gabriel Wortman found children on the sidewalk too close to his zero-setback property line, he beat them up - at least once badly enough to send the child to hospital and Wortman to court facing a criminal conviction.

(That he skated on this occasion, and was thus free to later kill 23 innocents, is the biggest single tragedy of the whole Wortman Rampage.)

When he found a neighbour helping Wortman’s partner on the matrimonial property she shared with Wortman, Wortman threatened to kill the neighbour with his stash of illegal guns unless he moved off.

When he got into a property line dispute with another neighbour, Wortman engaged in arson.

He ripped off friends and his uncle and parents in his various property wheeling dealing.

Like Fred and Donald and Paul, Gabriel was all about property.

Understand this and you begin to understand two of the most evil people on the Earth in 2020...

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