Sunday, November 8, 2020

I salute the QUILTBAG community but fear its too easily said to be popular with those who seek in-jargon to exclude others

Many of the most ambitious wannabe executives in the Inclusivity Industry work day and night to exclude as many people as possible.

The currently most acceptable terms they seek for all of us to use to describe those was are not 100% straight/hetro are a good example : even seasoned journalists and politicians not so secretly fear stumbling while trying to pronounce them right : LGBTTTQQIAA.

Incidentally, these ever longer consonant-heavy lists of initials are  still  so long that they literally eat into the scarce expensive airtime that media & political organizations can allot to news soundbites, ads and PSAs.

Even older leaders of the these non-straight communities struggle to keep up - which is probably the main point.

Old they may be, but they still hold down positions that represent social and financial power and so on the other side of the glass are all the hungry ambitious young, looking to break in.

And those ever-changing, ever-lengthen list of initials is just the ragged rock they need for this home invasion.

All this initial talk is really all about  - as it is always about - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs : Bling, Bling, Bling.

But there is an alternative : QUILTBAG.

It is a made-up word composed of meaningful initials that also creates an easy to remember, easy to pronounce word.

Think back to all those 1950s efforts to do the same, only this time with diplomatic-military alliances : words like NATO and SEATO etc.

QUILTBAG stands for Queer (& Questioning), Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual, Asexual (& Ally), Gay (& GenderQueer).

Even I, who could mispronounce a four letter Anglo Saxon word, could get that one right.

We all could - we could all become one huge inclusivity community united around pronouncing and understanding this term.

But then where would be the good jobs with benefits for the chosen few, in all that happy inclusivity ?

Because becoming the new boss, el capo, is all about exclusivity isn’t it ?

1 comment:

  1. I think Ayaan Hirsi Ali is right about this new woke-ism. They want a revolution of sorts and extoll violence against any who use free speech. A twisted mirror of Islam.
