Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gabe Wortman’s ‘complicated’ love life : its a timeline issue

Some of Gabe Wortman’s many girlfriends, and girls he tried to hit upon, are talking on social media, but are frustratingly or deliberately vague as to the timeline of their relationship.

Because their sojourns seem to overlap when Gabe was supposed to be in a monogamous relationship either with his first wife Corrina B Kincaid or his second wife Lisa Banfield.

In fairness, we don’t know when Corinna and Gabe got married, only when they divorced.

The marriage would seem to be after 1990-1991 which is when two old and close women friends last talked to him : he was still at UNB, finishing up his degree.

It seems unlikely he won’t have told them - or that his  UNB dorm mates won’t have noticed - their recent recollections don’t include remembering a wife for Gabe.

It is possible - even likely - that Corinna and Gabe married, separated fairly quickly but didn’t formally divorce for another decade.

If so, this would certainly clear up overlapping love life timeline issues up to about 2001.

But other girlfriends suggest their relationship happened about 15 years ago - when Gabe and Lisa were in a monogamous relationship.

Suggestions of a hidden love nest even.

Icky, all this, isn’t it?

But  consider these parallels.

The 1989 (ADULT) Gabriel Wortman’s obtaining of tons of illegal false IDs & false names.

His second parallel secret love life, hidden from his spouses.

His illegal secret purchases of RCMP uniforms that fit him perfectly, combined with an illegal unregistered road-ready perfect replica RCMP car.

His stocking up on lots of gasoline fire starter, and lots of illegal unregistered guns and ammo.

 They all speak to a pattern.

Particularly as it was Gabriel’s secret love life, when exposed at a public party, that was the immediate spark that quickly left 23 innocent people dead...


  1. Hi Michael,
    Kudos your voracious digging into the backstory and what led up to this horrible crime. I, too, want to understand and piece it together. When I read about the secret identities I wondered about something I saw on social media several times and whether this fits into the story. I haven't seen it lately so it could be false or just not officially investigated. Very early on I read something about him having a son and being triggered by same son being killed. With this topic on secret identities and secret lives, I am wondering is there anything to suggest any substance to the suggestion that there was a death of a child mixed up in his downward spiral?

  2. Trevor was from another Wortman family originally from Plaster Rock area.
