Friday, May 8, 2020

When you dealing with a pathological individuals like Gabriel Wortman, Donald Trump and oddly enough, Charles Darwin, distrust their claims of being self-made men

It turns out - much too late, of course because legions of journalists naively took him at his word for decades - that Dee Trump was anything but self-made.

He got started with hundreds of millions from the-bank-of-mom-and-dad.

Later when that ran out, he began to rely upon the bank-of-chapter-eleven -ie he let the rest of us pay for his financial disasters.

Charles Darwin, his very real scientific achievements aside, was not a very nice person.

I gained this opinion after carefully reading the massive two volume biography by Janet Browne - a labour of a lifetime.

I asked Janet at a Dalhousie University forum whether she admired him as much after her biography as at the start. She was very careful in her reply, but I came away thinking that perhaps she did not.

I suppose I could start with Charlie stealing from newly grieving widows, but what really got my goat was his unwillingness to credit all the millions in money (in today’s terms) from the-bank-of-mom-and-dad for funding his very expensive scientific achievements.

Put simply, he had more scientific successes in large part because he had far deeper pockets than his rivals.

As a kid, he got a microscope, as a Christmas gift, just as a toy you might give a kid, that cost more than the entire annual wage packet of a handful of farm labourer families.

At that time, 99.99% of the UK’s parents couldnt have afforded to give their budding Newton or Einstein such a hands up the scientific ladder.

Yet in Darwin’s unfinished auto-bio he planned to diss any speculation that he had much help from his parents.

He, in his warped mind, was entirely self-made.

Gabriel so lorded over his family - but only  after he had made it big  - that I have always suspected inside the darkest corners of his twisted brain, he wanted to kill his parents physically to kill his internal mental worries that he really owed almost all of his success to the bank-of-mom-and-dad : in other words, that the boys at Bridges House were still right.

That even all those years later, he was still was the biggest jerk and loser on campus....


  1. Darwin is problematic I can read his opinion of the fuegians. This Darwin-O-phobia though did read like Charles Dickens writing about the horrors of poor people doing anything but staying poor and waiting for rich people to have a nice change of heart to help lift them up out of the gutters or else it would be the lower classes melting heads like candles with bullet fire, men swimming in fire or throwing torches in the air and letting them fall on their own faces etc as in out of Dickens own head, not a real thing poor people would do, so a written manifestation of Dicken's own predujice and terrors which he had reflected on for quite long apparently. Darwin killing his parents? Homicide by Martin Daly and Margo Wilson shows that the murder of actual blood relatives is really rare and that even though the mentally Ill are no more violent than regular people they do lack the discrimination sane people have against killing family. I doubt Darwin was schizophrenic though... He was secluded and severely ill and without Emma Darwin how functional he'd have been is severely question. Either way Darwin is not like Ozymandias, his great works will last until everyone whose ever lived is forgotten from history. Considering that we can critisize the man for say: firing his French translator ClĂ©mence Royer when she pointed Darwin's explanation of traits being blended in offspring didnt make sense with his own idea! (Evolution via natural selection) How dare she! Darwin of course needed Mendel's models of inheritance of either/or. Mendel the sneak also cooked his books. Also to be fair Darwin was one of the most observant, encyclopedic and intelligent humans to live. He would literally be a genius among people if he were alive today and I doubt anyone would have off the top of their head more knowledge than him on say the subject of barnacles. He had great powers of observation: example: “In the distant future I see open fields for far more important researches. Psychology will be based on a new foundation, that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation." This is the prediction of the standard social science model failing (which it has) to be replaced by the Integrated casual model (the conceptual integration of science) first put forward by Leda Cosmides, John Tooby and Jerome H Barlow in "The Adapted Mind: evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture" he was predicting the findings such as those described in Cognitive Evolutionary Neuroscience (by shackelford and platek) where it's shown men have specialized cognitive neuro-machinery to invest I'm children based off how much that child looks like them. Women Don't. Or Margo Wilson abd Martin Daly finding a lot of stuff about homicide making discoveries by using a Darwinian lens. They discovered unknown risk factors for infanticide by mothers (youth.) Or they documented the Cinderella effect, etc. Or the pile of research done by shackelford shown in the book "female infidelity and male anti cuckoldry tactics" which discovers and lists a pile of behavior possiively correlated with abuse against women. A list of mate retention tactics women should know to beware of and men should know to beware their own behavior. If this book was pushed hard as an essential reading a lot of abuse against women might be mitigated. Without that Darwinian lens we have couldn't even have gotten George C Williams and Randolf M Nesse's "Why we get sick: the new science of Darwinian medicine" important if you want to realize why giving a third world starving man an iron supplement will kill him or why its a bad idea to take iron supplementation during some.infections (like fever your body reduces iron as a defence mechanism) you go to the docotor you're getting iron supplements became only like 10% of doctors know about iron with holding as a defence against infection. Oops.

  2. Rereading this I think you were talking about GW not Darwin with the parents. You didnt crimestop on Darwin and my eyes lost focus because I was gnashing my teeth too hard I guess. You can insult me, my family, etc but you can't insult the prophet or big man Darwin. Don't even think of drawing a funny Darwin cartoon depicting him as just a man getting his silly beard caught in a door.
