Thursday, May 14, 2020

Shades of the BABY MILL traffic of butterbox babies between Maritimes & New England

Evelyn Wortman’s recollections of the adoption of her second son in Massachusetts in 1970, if at all accurate, suggest a very,very casual approach on the part of the adoption agency to the highly serious matter of a “married couple” giving up their child for permanent adoption.

It calls to mind past examples of the free and easy eagerness of desperate American couples seeking young, white, healthy, protestant babies and find an abundance of them in the safely native-born white and non-ethnic Maritimes.

One has only to recall all the letters in to the Halifax Explosion Relief Commission from Americans seeking to adopt orphans, as long as they were healthy, 100% white and from protestant homes.

Or how the evil mistress of Chester’s Butterbox Baby Farm knew her American clients’ wishes all too well : starving and freezing to death the unhealthy and mixed race babies under her charge.

But the healthy white ones found a healthy if illicit homes with well to do Americans : as long as the money was good, no questions were asked.

And just a gentle reminder to the “think only kind thoughts of bucolic Nova Scotia brigade“, the murderous Nova Scotian-born Mrs Young murdered far more people at Nova Scotia’s Butter Box Baby Farm than even Gabriel Wortman ever did.

Evelyn wasn’t a native-born citizen of America or even a legally landed immigrant. So an impoverished young foreigner comes to America to give up her healthy white brand new male baby and few questions are asked : why ?

(Or maybe I have already asked and answered it ?)

And she alone seemed to be asked all the questions by the agency, not her husband Paul, by her own account.

Maybe she lied and said she was a destitute single mom with dad’s name unknown, living in America without any proper paperwork or personal documents or money.

The agency’s proper response might be to gently suggest she go home to  somewhere in Canada, if she felt she couldn’t return to her own Canadian hometown.

I am sure they really knew she was a Canadian, not from R.I. : they could easily tell by her broad Down-Easter accent.

Because Evelyn alone, by her own public account, was the one who lied about her real name, gave her correct birthdate, and somehow or other her birthplace was put down as Providence Rhode Island (a short car ride (or phone call) away from the agency’s doors.)

Its seems to have been all verbal - no documents backing her false statements required - did no one in the agency even bother to check up on her birthplace address to see if it matched her name etc?

Since the baby up for adoption was only days old (by Evelyn’s own account) don’t you think an adoption agency would surely demand the brand new baby’s birth certificate as Evelyn couldn't creditably claimed to have lost that already. What parentage names etc were on that birth certificate?

And basically, she was still a kid. If she pretended that she wasn’t married, was a single mom, you think the agency might have wanted a little info on her family, just as back up, if they came back to haunt the agency with a lawsuit.

If this adoption process was as casual as Evelyn says it was, its a scandal.

Or maybe it wasn’t at all that casual and Evelyn isn’t telling the whole truth.

Now Evelyn did not have to talk publicly about the adoption process - but she deliberately chose to.

In which case, she had a duty to either tell the truth or stay silent, as was her right.

But if she deliberately misled the reporter and public : well I am a Roman Catholic and I call that a sin....

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