Saturday, May 2, 2020

Nova Scotia Tourist Agency cliche, the kitchen party, in a time of Covid and murderous rampages

If you are a CFA, you’ve seen this cliche in endless tourist-luring ads ; if you are a local, you can add local liquor ads as well: its the Nova Scotian kitchen party replete with a big ‘feed of lobsters’, lots of beer, lots of fiddle music.

The province had already been repeatedly warned that in the era of covid-19, the traditional “all of us crowded into the tiny kitchen“ party was potentially lethal - the team led by our Premier and Chief Medical officer were tired of trying to track down all the possible victims infected at illegal kitchen parties on the Dartmouth side of the harbour - and probably elsewhere as well.

The RCMP publicly reported that after the killer and his common law partner left one such kitchen party he returned and killed seven there.

Counting the killer and partner that seems that at least nine were at a kitchen party when such gatherings were supposed to be limited to five, and five hopefully already living together under one roof.

Forget all the lobster and fiddles in those upbeat liquor ads and think only of all the beer : Portapique differed only in the huge number of victims  from many many other kitchen parties ruined when one participant, fuelled by beers, came back with blood and hate on their minds...

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