Thursday, May 28, 2020

Gabriel Wortman : I worked for years embalming and cremating people - for God’s sakes don’t embalm or cremate me !

FRANK MAGAZINE has the goods - and its a doozy !

the children of the embalmer go un-embalmed, or words to that effect
The last will and testament of Gabriel Wortman is a straightforward document except for two extremely odd requests ——— no,  make that demands :

“For God’s sake,  don’t embalm me and don’t cremate me - just bury me in a Hudson Bay blanket inside a concrete vault at the Portapique cemetery, right next to my home.“

Gabe specifically underlines these two demands, to better express his determination.

Yet this is a guy who embalmed people for years, prepared others for the crematory as well.

In fact, eight years after this 2011 document, he mused to a couple of clients that he wanted to own and operate a crematory - just as long as he could be in the back, dealing with the quietly dead and not up front dealing with the grieving living.

This guy is like an onion - layer after layer.

Except the more you think you know, the less you actually know.....

PS : I would just love to hear GW’s former funeral home employer DONNIE WALKER respond to these highlighted portions of GW’s will —- won’t you just ?


  1. Did Frank pull this from the probate registry?

  2. Yes that is my guess as the public trustee of NS now looking after GW's estate probate...
    Good solid reporting FRANK !

  3. And wouldn't you just love to hear a public response from Donnie Walker or embalmers' association !?
