Sunday, May 24, 2020

Andreas Lubitz & Gabriel Wortman : warning signs missed - or DISMISSED ?

While we are all allowed to have mental breakdowns, equally we are all our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers too.

When the someone we suspect is having a mental breakdown is a subway train driver or an airline pilot or a brain surgeon, we have a heightened duty to TELL the authorities, all and any of the authorities and to stand our ground until they do something definite - and fast.

You may have already forgotten Andreas Lubitz - mass murderers do tend to come and go these days like the flashes of fireflies - but I haven’t.

If you have ever wondered how the Holocaust was kept so secret by the Germany nation it helps to know that the German culture was - and still is - so totally obsessed with the right to personal privacy that Germans throw common sense and common decency right out the window.

Andreas-Lubitz-the-airline-pilot had gone to literally dozens of doctors (40 plus)  over several decades complaining of mental issues and suicidal thoughts but excessive, obsessive medical secrecy laws prevented any of them from warning the airline authorities that maybe this guy shouldn’t be driving that big plane up there with hundreds of innocent lives on board.

The climax began when he went to a doctor who gave him a note saying he shouldn’t be flying. The doctor didn’t/couldn’t tell his employer and Andreas never showed them the note. Instead, once in the air, he locked the other pilot out of the cockpit and drove the airliner, filled with 149 innocent passengers and crew, as well as himself, straight into the ground.

Death by airliner.

You may recall reports of this happening all over the world, with usually successful attempts to cover it up. Ditto train drivers - and who knows - drivers of buses on mountain passes as well.

And who wants soldiers or policemen, people who regularly carry weapons, to go off the rails unreported ?

Doctors and engineers are less likely to have the opportunity to commit a mass muder-suicide, but what about the messed up waterwork plans or botched operations resulting from their addled brains?

Against today’s absurd agnostically-oriented live and let die privacy laws, I stand with Martin Henry Dawson in suggesting that we still are our brothers and sisters’ keepers  - and always have been - it is what makes us human.

We are a collective society as well as atomized individuals ; we care.

Or at least we should ?

What do you think : was it medical professional Gabriel Wortman’s privacy right to have a mental meltdown on the job, as detailed by Andrew Rankin in this totally revealing interview ?

a MUST-READ article on Wortman’s inner mental processes revealed

Or must all the weird stuff from our medical professionals that we witness as their patients be reported and reported again ,and again, to their licensing boards  —- until they actually get off their well paid and well larded arses to do something, to protect the public as the law that governs them demands ?


  1. Elizabeth Wettlaufer got stopped because someone blew the whistle. Fuck privacy.

  2. Yes RCMP insisting cant tell us what happened to Brenda Forbes 2013 report to RCMP of illegal guns and assault on GW's wife's throat, because of the "PRIVACY ACT".

    The Act that means civil servants never ever have to say they're sorry....
