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no one SKATES faster than a MOUNTIE CI |
To what did HRM police constable Ronald Josey actually swear to on Jan 3 2001 ?
The printed charge of 266 (A) : criminal assault by a violent offender , 5 years in jail ?
Or to the scribbled over (but unusually non-initialed) change change to 266(B) : summary conviction assault by a mountie CI , $50 fine ?
A change scribbled over in a different pen than that used by either Josey or JP Judith Gaul to sign their names on the same document : their pen is in a watery blue ; the new scribble is in a solid blue ink.
I always thought you couldn’t alter a printed document at the last minute with a pen, without initially that change.
And if such a document can be changed after the date of its joint signing, (scary news to most mortgage holders !), the change would have to be clearly dated and initialled by BOTH parties.
And so I repeat ; on what date exactly was this unsigned, undated, hastily scribbled change to this printed sworn information made ?
Was it when ex-Mountie, ex CSIS spook David G Barrett appeared for the crown before a judge Digby to formalize a deal with Joel Pink’s legal team on Jan 11 2002, a deal to see the charge reduced down to summary conviction 266 (B) from the charge 266 (A) criminal assault that Constable Laurie Cuvelier handed to Gabriel Wortman on Dec 29 2001 ?
You see my point don’t you ?
The original information that Josey planned to swear before justice Gaul wasn’t very complicated : if he changed his mind so drastically at the last minute, why not just type up a new clean copy as a 266 (B) ?
Or at the very least, have the drastic change initialed and dated by both himself and justice Gaul.
Judge Gaul, because ordinarily she is such a extreme stickler for the little details - ****always keen to initial even the most routine of crossings outs, I do not believe she would have let this major, major change go un-initialed.
It seems so out of character for her...
**** Note how she initialled the change at the bottom of this page of the document ; from affirmed to swore : bet you 99.9% of other JPS don’t initial such a routine choice...
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