Saturday, June 13, 2020

tracking the Gabriel Wortman, mountie CI claim though public online obits

the Hells Angel-Prison Guard angle - Paul droppin’ bad acid - or what ?
I don’t have any insider information —- Zip, None —— about Gabriel Wortman —- and probably you don’t either.

In fact, if you are like me, you feel more than ordinarily trapped behind a computer screen inside your home - thanks Covid !

How then do you get a sense that the media reports you hear have any truth to them ?

What I do first and foremost when reading a news story is to put the names I come across - particularly names that seem unusually rare - into a google search combined with the words “survived by” or “visit the grave of”. Searching for online obits.

Basically I am using the skills of genealogy 101 to do a little amateur detecting on a mass killer’s life.

Author and RCMP critic Paul Palango was on the Rick Howe radio show on June 11th, detailing his theories that the unstable and violent GW was given a lot of slack by the RCMP because he was a CI (informant) to the New Brunswick RCMP with regards to the Hells Angels and Mexican drug cartels etc.

Heavy stuff - is Paul just dropping bad acid and spinning this stuff out of his butt —- or what ?

He mentions an NS born Hells Angel called Peter Alan Griffon. I google that unusual name and “survived by” and get the obit of Tom Kavalak of Springhill NS.

Kavalak is survived by Joanne (Alan) Griffon of near by Portapique and Audrey McLeod of near by Truro. Audrey’s son is called Sean. Same name was one of GW victims. I google Sean McLeod and survived by Audrey Truro and a Chronicle Herald obit confirms the Portapique Hell’s Angel and the Hunter Road murdered prison guard are cousins.

About the same time, Paul is making that same point on the Rick Howe Show.

On this particular claim, a minute googling confirmed Paul was indeed ‘telling the truth’.

Now was that so very hard  - for me - or any ordinary citizen - to do ?

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