Sunday, June 21, 2020

FINTRAC covid misdeeds must be part of Wortman Scandal Inquiry

NADA SEMAAN must explain why FINTRAC released Wortman’s $475,000 in $100 bills during covid-spread-by-money alert 
The best science in the world, during in the week of March 30th 2020, just after the covid-19 fears crisis exploded, was that the virus was still live and virulent for a considerable time if it landed on metal and paper surfaces.

Paper and metal surfaces like coins and paper money.

The federal government was even said to be pondering a temp cash ban. Many retail businesses - of the few retail businesses still allowed to be open - were plastic-only or strongly pushing the use of plastic.

How then did FINTRAC ever allow Gabriel Wortman to skate a cool half mil in $100 bills past its supposedly watchful eye ?

What did a small businessman, whose traditional business was mostly paid by employee medical insurance, suddenly need with that much cash, when cash was believed to facilitate the spread of the deadly Covid-19 ?

A small businessman whose business was not even open ; ordered closed by his provincial government for what was correctly believed at the time to be for a period months into the future ?

We voters have a right to expect our federal employees to help reduce the covid death toll - not to increase it.

Only a full public inquiry on the Wortman Scandal will determine just how much - or more likely - how little FINTAC did to make Canadians safer in the early, deadliest, stage of the Covid crisis....

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