Thursday, August 20, 2020

“Slavery 101” is a noose & a blue pickup truck in Chester, not 150 year old name

NOOSES & BLUE PICKUPS more a racist threat in NS today than 150 year old name 
Yes it was slave-owning Confederates behind the ship Tallahassee escaping through Halifax Harbour’s narrow and shallow Eastern Passage in the total darkness of a pre-electricity night.

And yes Tallahassee is a city in the slave-owning American South.

But the names of ships owned by racists is not, in itself, inherently racist : what if this ship had been called Peace or Truth or Beauty instead ?

Would we then have to remove those words from everything  around us —-over the fear that five year old children will immediately associate those words with events that happened more than 150 years before they were born?

My father was a professor of Logic for a half century, trying to make often quite illogical young undergraduates a bit more willing to probe what they were really saying  —-before opening their mouths.

 It is that same lack of logic I see in so many new Professors ( professors with a capital P)  who are determined to make their new Chairs & new Programs better known —- and who are willing to grasp at every straw to make it so.

There are much more immediate and dangerous examples of racism in Nova Scotia - right now - today ! - than the fear that the name of a 150 year old ship will infect 5 year old kids.

My granddaughter goes to Tallahassee school and you WOKERs can change that name if you must —- but do then follow that brave bold action with yet another : be as forthright in condemning a young man in today’s Chester Nova Scotia area who is seething with racial rage and is displaying all the tells of a potential mass killer in the making : a human SS Rhosus just about to explode.

Condemn the RCMP’s (& the Crown’s) unwillingness to pay heed to the warning of  pioneering mass killer profiler Mary Ellen O’Toole that there are almost always visible & public warning signs that helps society pick out those who possibly might lash out at society by staging a mass killing.

Promise me that, WOKERS - won’t ya ?

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