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Medical snooping : the REAL criminals are the managers who (a) let it happen & (b) quietly let the snooper go, uncharged |
This is because in so many female crimes there is another - highly powerful - entity with strongly mixed interests in the whole affair.
An entity that is both a victim of these female crimes —— and their enabler. That entity’s management employees are determined not to see their mistakes exposed in court and they chose a quiet secret termination of the offending female employee over informing the police and the justice system.
Embezzlement is a crime of both male and female criminals : but while few women ever robbed banks, they are involved in at least 50 % of embezzlements by line employees (rather than the embezzlement of owner- managers).
Embezzlement often caught only after years of successfully going undetected : clearly the firm or government agency’s actual auditing is not as thorough as it likes to boast : embarrassing.
So embarrassing that most such incidents never get in the public eye : the firm or government agency quietly tries to get most of the money back in return for secretly terminating - rather than charging - the employee.
Another crime that seems uniquely female is snooping in confidential medical records. I am 69, an avid lifelong news consumer, and I can never recall a male employee being caught out at this : readers can prove me wrong, but it surely is very rare !
Often the matter seems to revolve around vengeful sexual partners.
Vengeful male sexual partners frequently resort to violence, get charged and end up in jail.
But vengeful female sexual partners take a much more oblique approach : often seeking revenge by spreading hateful gossip behind the scene.
Or they snoop in private medical records.
They do so knowing that at worst, they get will get fired silently & secretly, with no jail time and their reputation intact.
For like successful years of embezzlement, their crime means the government agency involved is quite lax in its controls over who sees medical records and why.
When caught the employee is quietly and secretly terminated. A slap on the wrist which ensures other would-be-snoopers feel emboldened. So the cycle keeps being repeated —-and innocent people keep on being hurt.
Only if one of their victims goes to the media does the public ever hear about it. Then the guilty management staff go into high ass-protecting mode : claiming nothing can be said , due to “privacy laws”.
Note the “irony” here, Alanis.
That is the same privacy laws - by the by - that these slackards clearly failed to uphold when it came to the taxpayer victims.
So exactly whose privacy is being protected ?
Right : the criminal and their management enablers !
Read about the latest such case here : read it and weep...
I've seen a few cases. Another crime commited by women against men is that 90% or some such thing of genetic councilors are women. Between 1%-30% of men are raising other men's children. When this gets discovered the women lie lie lie. I understand this is a dangerous situation and in the book Homicide by Martin Daly and Margo Wilson they do highlight this as a big risk factor and one reason that men turn homicidal rage against women. They have some accounts in that book of a wife telling a husband holding his daughter "ah you moron thats not your daughter etc" I'm sure based on the title of the book you can infer the man's reaction. However It's like Orwell wrote: "There are always the most excellent, high-minded reasons for concealing the truth, and these reasons are brought forward in almost the same words by supporters of the most diverse causes." (Through a glass rosily - Orwell). The high minded reasoning here seems to be for base reasons, solidarity with someone similiar to you in opposition to someone different. Some of the sad wretched details of these stories, men in horror getting their children tested for genes that predispose illness and then getting LIED to when the misattributed parentage is exposed. If you get the chance check out a google search of this and see the mental contortionism in medical articles and the suggested behavior on how to inform. Ex 1: only tell the woman, 2: tell no one 3: tell them both after 11 years, lol, no where is it simply "tell the man it isnt his kid. Tell the man 2+2=4." No it's like seeing O'Brien's mind from 1984. Look at some of these medical/scientific articles the spectacular contortion of the mind trying to justify evil and lying, they've made it seem technical, sophisticated writing up large medical papers on science and ethics when it couldn't be more simple. It's a lie and done for base reasons. Really those papers are some of the worst sophistry I've seen. Subtle and powerful arguments for lying that would wash over a lot of people like a tsunami and batter them to helplessness like a human being trapped in a industrial sized washing machine filled with driftwood and rocks.