Saturday, April 25, 2020

Not talking about Wortman’s victims (if they are alive) (if they are dead, they’re fair game)

The mainstream media, which can be usefully defined as any media outlet with enough assets to be worth suing, is not going to mention the name of any of the still-living victims of Gabriel Wortman’s murderous rampage.

His twenty four dead victims, however, are fair game.

Is this a case of Journalistic-Ethics or is this a case of Journalistic-Fears-About-Being-Sued ?

And in our rush to ensure ever greater privacy (wouldn’t Gabriel Wortman have just loved it, if his shameful court dealings with his family had been sealed forever ?), we might soon not be able to even mention the names of murder victims in the future :

As it is, the RCMP does not release the names of dead car crash victims - or murder victims.

So the MSM has only gained access to those names because the families of the dead announced them on social media and so gave presumed consent.

Wait a minute there sunny james, the dead themselves did not give consent to their name being broadcast - the families just assumed they would.

Just as I assumed that because Wortman is mentioned as the partner of a woman in a public obituary, there was assumed consent to point people to that public obituary.

If I am on shaky moral ground, so  too is the MSM and the families of the 24 dead.

Perhaps I am being provocative  - provocative for a reason  - to make people think a little harder, think a little deeper before they toss off facile nonsense.

Or perhaps, being the kid of a professor of philosophy and logic, I just can’t help myself (-;

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