Tuesday, June 30, 2020

‘Shaming The CBC’ : a righteous culture, un-self-critical and without shame

I hope - dear reader - that you never thought that I wrote 150 GW blog posts (and hundreds more Facebook GW screeds) for you.

I directed them all, pamphleteering lobs, at the government station, at the CBC, to do their job, to do the job our tax dollars pay them to do.

That job is not to protect the rich and powerful and the RCMP ; we already have CTV and Global for that.

But the Ceeb, internally, is an un-self-critical righteous culture, never easy to shame.

Once they set the goalposts of ‘legitimate controversy’ to use Daniel Hallin’s famous term, they are like granite in never budging off their determination to only give us the news the CBC figures we should be allowed to hear.

Twice - in 1984 and again this Spring, I helped shame the CBC into expanding what they felt was ‘legitimate controversy’ that we should be allowed to discuss.

But it was a hell of a lot of work : in 1984, I actually got pneumonia while doing so.

But now that CBC NS is finally publicly confirming what most Nova Scotians have been privately talking about for the last few weeks, (the “OPEN SECRET” of a freely-online Macleans Magazine article for God’s sake !) I feel my job is done : this blog is back to its regular programming.....

Imani Walker approved : “The Francophone POC of Mikinoc Waajew” by Pierre Vallieres : newly bowdlerized

Stalin’s Great Terror DELIBERATELY created the greatest generational-and-social upward mobility in Russian history
Pierre Vallieres’ famous separatist screed, written in 1968 while he was in prison, was deliberately modelled upon the great excesses of Grand Opera.

The English translation captured that over the top excess perfectly and titled it “The White N****** of America”.

As Wikipedia still refers to it, but in the uncensored original version. They have more testicles than me.

So did the CBC  - for over half a century.

But not anymore, thanks to the young and ambitious Imani Walker.

No, the CBC’s Wendy Mesley was not beheaded, escorted to the killing fields or sent to a Gulag for her crime.

Merely fired, like thousands others in the last few weeks.

She will survive financially : many others will have to declare personal bankruptcy.

Thomas Bowdler has lots of work cut out for him.

Grand Opera for a start ; all those trigger words and stressful scenes.

No longer will the heroine curse her God to the heavens while (too) slowly dying of a stab to the heart : now like Henry Fonda, she will ‘nicely and politely’ die to a string of mildly Mid-Western golly gees, oh my gosh and jeepers creepers. The piano player’s eh hem ‘instrument’ will reveal discretely covered up legs, n*ked no more.

Its easy to laugh this off : but please don’t.

For all Great Purges throughout history have always led to rapid social and generational upward mobility : there were always exactly as many winners as there were loser-victims.

Great Purges, throughout history and across continents, have never targeted the working class young digging ditches but rather the middle aged, middle class, managers.

Them gone : exiled, murdered, imprisoned, fired : who takes up those key posts ?

Who is quietly cheering from the sidelines as the blades flash down ?

As Nova Scotia self-made zillionaire RA Jodrey was always wont to ask, “where and when exactly does this deal sugar off ?”

We know a great deal about how, where, when and why Stalin’s Great Terror ‘sugared off’.

It was not, totally, the paranoid act of a barely sane tyrant, but rather Stalin’s targeted effort to remove middle class managers and replace them with a still-being-trained cadre of reliably working class young and ambitious engineers.

The middle class, middle aged victims knew it - and so did their young and ambitious upwardly mobile replacements.

They were still there, running the show, half a century later, when the USSR fell apart....

Monday, June 29, 2020

The polarized psychologies of pathologists versus (particle) physicists

Pathologists do much more than cut up your recently departed, despite what TV cop shows tell you
I believe that highly successful pathologists and particle physicists slash cosmologists always display the same consistent psychological traits found amongst others in their two fields.

If you have a deep “instinct” that ultimately Reality, so chaotic seeming today, will be revealed to be simple, stable, predictable, controllable you will find the end goal of particle physics-cosmology, The Theory of Everything, aligned to your instincts.

 You will start with theory and then look for experiments to prove it : applications for your results will never really interest you, despite what you tell grant committees.

But if your instinct is that ultimately Reality will be revealed to be even more chaotic, complex, dynamic, unpredictable than it now seems, pathology and its sister sciences will be your natural home.

Your theories will emerge from long years of hands on clinical practise.For the clinician’s slightly cynical mantra is ‘it always turns out that every patient is at least slightly different, just enough to throw my bloody meds regime off !”

No successful clinician ever grows to believe that reality is simpler than it first appears: quite the reverse.....

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Tooth Fairy-Santa Claus-Easter Bunny Journalism versus citizen journalism

newsrooms not longer believe in Santa or the Tooth Fairy but they still believe that  BIG PEOPLE are always telling the truth...
Most journalists & editors are busy: very very busy.

Consider this : we invented the non-stop 24 hours a day 365 news cycle - on multiple media formats - and then we threw away most of the journalists.

Very very busy.

They are also smart: but not very very smart.

So when these very very busy individuals read two science reports that directly contradict each other, what do they do 99% of the time ?

They look at who authored the piece and the bigger the names (s) the more likely they are to feel that their version is the one true account.

They won’t even bother to read each article very far, to compare the results in their minds and settle the dispute intellectually.

They are, I repeat, very very busy.

So out goes a very superficial gatekeeping of the news, to readers and listeners that may number in the billions ultimately.

The New York Times along with Atlantic Magazine have offered up - free - very thoughtful examinations on just what went wrong and what is still going wrong on how the smartest people in the Universe handled the emerging Covid crisis.

The latest from the NYT is all about two sets of very smart doctors in Germany disagreeing, around the edges, about how likely it is that people who have covid but show no obvious symptoms can spread the disease to others, silently.

The smaller, lesser known set of doctors were right but tragically the wrong (bigger) set of doctors were much better known and had very powerful - and very stupid  - allies among our planet’s  biggest doctors and scientists.

Covid was always going to kill people : but whether it had to kill 500,000 and counting is the reason why you and I should care a damn about this arid academic debate in far off Germany.

I do not doubt that even with Trump & Trudeau & Johnson at the helm (The Three Idiots of The Apocalypse), that the world would NOT have seen a half mill dead, if the smaller set of German doctors’ evidence had been considered on its merits, rather than most journalists believing that the Big People are ALWAYS smarter than the smaller people.

Now here is where citizen journalists can come in.

No, we are not ‘professional’ : we freely and I would advocate , proudly, admit to that.

”Professional” journalist is just a dog whistle word for “very few in number, stuck in an never-ending news cycle, and hence badly over-worked”.

We citizen journalists are not badly overworked - many of us are retired or off duty.We do not have to feel enslaved to a never ending 24 hour news cycle.

 So we  have plenty of  time.

Now combine that with our sheer numbers.

So we have both plenty of time and plenty of numbers to slowly but thoroughly looked at both articles - published in big medical journalists and readily readable - and  then to have raised the analysis that the smaller set was more likely correct.

We could have - we should have - raised a twitter and social media storm - but at a higher intellectual level than most such twitter storms.

We could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

If only the Tooth Fairy-believing journalists finally grew completely up and gave small news sources and small journalists ‘a fair go’ ...

“The Great Circle of Science”

not too dissimilar to “THE GREAT CIRCLE OF SCIENCE” 
I am going to propose that one way we might view the various sciences productively is by comparing the physical size of their main area of interest.

When we do so, we end up in a circle, with one science, Cosmology-Particle Physics , at the centre top, being the discipline concerned about the both the biggest and smallest physical objects we have yet discovered.

To but it bloody mildly, a century ago, neither Science nor Public ever expected those two sciences to go from being dire opposites to one tightly-bounded science !

But in fact, that became the case. The pair are the very definition of “Weird Science”, because the discipline makes its living by investigating the two physical objects (in the sense that they both have mass) that are either so big or so small that scientists all agree that we will never actually “see” them.

Once, it was felt the Universe began with a ‘primeval atom’ but the temperature of the Big Bang now definitely preclude something as big as an atom : rather something as small as a electron, generally considered the smallest physical object that hangs about enough for all of us to be a little familiar with it.

The electron and its fellow fundamental particles are considered to be so small that they almost don’t occupy space, but they do: but so small a space that they are best considered a pinpoint point rather than a fuzzy sphere.

The Universe, now that we know it is has always been expanding and doing so at an ever increasing pace, is too big for light information from its expanding edges to ever reach us on Earth : that are whole masses of enormous galaxies, perhaps even with intelligent life, that we will never, can never, know. And they, us.

Yes I see Cosmology-Particle Physics being basically a single Janus-Headed science, pointing two ways : to ever increasing bigness or ever decreasing smallness.

On The Great Circle of Science, one head points to the left, towards the ultimate smallness : fundamental particles.

I am going to impose my definition of smallness here: it comprises singlets of matter too small to be seen by the naked eye in its natural state.

Clumped into groups, not as single individual objects, we can see sub atomic particles perfectly well : it is the world around us. We also can see individual microbes , but only under microscopes and usually under highly artificial circumstances : altered by the dyes to make then visible or  killed by electron microscope beams.

Every science on the lower left, beneath particle physics, points to a discipline involved in something a little bigger than fundamental sub-atomic particles, such that as they descend DOWN, they also gradually moving UP along a scale of bigness.

Chemistry is the science of atoms & molecules : the results when fundamental objects combine into the next stage bigger and then one or two scales yet bigger again.

In particular, some arrangements of atoms, with carbon as their highly flexible backbone, grow into the massive Molecules of Life like DNA/RNA and single strand RNA viruses - chemistry on the verge of life.

Today these super-large molecules have their own scientific discipline, the burgeoning filed of Molecular Science, covering not just DNA but all very large organic chemistry molecules like proteins and plastic polymers.

The science of Microbiology deals with very small, but definitely fully alive, beings : the microbes as themselves.

Pathology, Dr Martin Henry Dawson’s lifelong specialty, which I see as a stand-in for many other similar sciences, is about the interaction of tiny microbes, micro-life, with the middle sized objects that are the stuff of of zoology/botany : macro-life.

Pathology stands astride the two separate worlds of the “single objects invisible to the naked eye” and “single objects visible to the naked eye.”

In a sense, Pathology and the many other sciences like it, is the the centre bottom of the great Circle of Science :like Cosmology-Particle Physics, it also looks at equal number of sciences on either side, half involved in ever smaller objects and half involved in ever bigger objects.

The difference between pathology and Cosmology-Particle Physics remains profound. Cosmology-Particle Science deals with reality red in tooth and claw: macro reality at its very biggest and micro reality at its very smallest.

Pathology deals with the softer side of reality: the warm milk and biscuits of reality: moderately large micro objects interacting with moderately small macro objects.

Zoology/Botany is about macro life, as themselves.

Geology, another stand-in for many similar others, is the original Earth Science : the whole of Earth is its subject.

Astronomy, is the Science of the various objects within the entire universe, suns, planets, galaxies, in of themselves.

And Cosmology is the science of the entire Universe, its beginning, its future course and its ending.

Cosmology is the right-looking side of the original Janus-like science we began with. If we descend DOWN on the right, each succeeding science deals with ever smaller objects just as descending on the left, dealt with ever bigger objects.

So “The Great Circle of Science” is not unlike “The Great Circle of Fifths” (or is it Fourths ?) in music : a circle that is equally productive, whether you start from left to right or right to left : from small to big or from big to small....

Friday, June 26, 2020

ALL physics is spooky action at a distance, weird science : particularly Newton and Maxwell

EINSTEIN was right : it is spooky when NEWTON’s apple falls on our head, from a distance
Imagine you and your grandkids have been busy gathering apples in Cambridge England on a hot September afternoon.

Soon you tire and snooze under an apple tree, while your still quite energetic grandkids continue to cut up.

Suddenly one of the apples they were throwing about hits you on the brow.

A definite bruise but no concussion. You settle back to snooze again when an apple off the tree falls down hitting you on the brow —— again.

Now well and truly awake intellectually,  you ponder why.

You understand that the apple in grandchild’s hand plus energy of grandchild’s throwing arm will propel the apple forward to hit you, just as explosions and the wind only appear to be invisible blows to the brow.

You understand that they are actually the result of zillions of very energetic molecules colliding with the next molecules until the final molecules bounce hard off your brow.

But the apple on the tree : why always fall downwards : why not upwards or sideways or just lie there in mid air ?

Gravity, your science teacher taught you : Newton’s gravity, the cornerstone of classic (pre relativity, pre quantum) physics : spooky action at a distance : invisible forces and fields. 

Just like light and radio waves and magnets : as our teacher tells us about Maxwell’s spooky action at a distance : invisible forces and fields.

I confess, it never really felt right, not in Grade Eight and not now.

Physics, I remind people, is still basically all about that infamous high school experiment involving sticking that bloody flashing light in a very strong glass tube.

You remember that experiment don’t you ?

In addition, into the glass tube went a light receiver that briefly glows blue and makes a brief clicking sound whenever it sees those flashes, together with a small microphone next to the flashing light, this time wired to a speaker outside the glass tube.

At first we physics-skeptics are comfortable : as the light flashes we see the blue glow and hear the click on the external speaker.

But then almost all the air is extracted from the tube and while the light is still visibly flashing and the receiver is still visibly glowing blue, we no longer hear sound.

Sound (initially a thin circle of mylar moving forward and backwards rapidly), like the wind and explosions needs a lot of elastic molecules to interact by bouncing onto the molecules next to them till the last energetic molecules bounce on the thin mylar like surface of your ear drum and are perceived as sound.

But in the glass tube’s now near perfect vacuum, this no longer works : just like out in Space there are no sounds, no winds, no conventionally felt explosions.

But light and magnetism and radio waves still work in the vacuum : even faster in fact : via spooky actions at a distance : invisible forces and fields.

Chemistry, that other staple of High School Science, might seem like physics, but it is not - at least not totally.

For it is a great relief to learn in high school that atoms and ions actually occupy physical space and are more or less bulky : today we can actually see photographs of real atoms, unlike the still invisible forces and fields.

Those atoms collide with each other, just like air molecules and kids apples and my brow, sometimes bonding together and sometimes repelling each other.

At least on the surface, the bonding by exchanging electrons with each other seems like our now familiar apples but the repelling seems more like magnets pushing each other away : Physics’ spooky action at a distance again, invisible forces and fields.

Still generally, chemistry, like most sciences, even much of day to day physics, seems to match our own experience of our earthly physical world.

In our day to day world, most actions seem to be the result of physical touching, collisions (often elastic) : an atomistic and mechanical view of reality.

But the Queen sub-section of Physics (itself the Queen of all Sciences), Particle Physics, definitely deals in that section of reality where actions do not involve physical touching at all, ever.

Yet this is truly fundamental stuff : out of incredibly tiny and incredibly short lived particles are built the most massive and most long enduring edifices we know of : the galaxies and all their still massive subcomponents : stars and planets and us.

So yes, I do believe in Quantum physics, wholeheartedly. But I do not believe that it is at all simple, beautiful or rational : fundamentally it is based upon random momentary fluctuations  in vacuum space : inherently unpredictable.

So then does it not seem odd that physicists claim that they are all about revealing to us mere civilians the true and essential beauty and simplicity of all reality, based as it is on a handful of simple laws discovered by physics ?

When in reality, Physics has always been the one truly weird weird weird weird science, even back in the classic days of Newton and Maxwell? Even long before Einstein and Dirac arrived to really queer the pitch?

It is almost as if Physics is still in the closet, still so denying its true nature that every new discovery of more weird science must produce a new verbal reaction in the form of yet another paean to the true simplicity and beauty and rationality of fundamental physics.

Day to day reality, along with most sciences, is like the small “m” modernization process : its complex , chaotic, entangled, feedback loops up the yazoo.

Big “M” Modernity is like not-yet-out-of-the-closet Particle Physics : it is the self conscious counter-reaction as reality is daily revealed to be more chaotic and disorderly than we ever imagined or feared.

It uses terms like equilibrium, uniformitarianism, steady state universe, to insist that all that chaos is only on the surface ; deep down, at the most fundamental levels, reality (Quantum Reality) is really quite simple, beautiful, orderly and rational.

What ?!

So why are we still buying this guff .....

Thursday, June 25, 2020


once a young revolutionary, he died an old Uncle Tom 
Vera Lynn died last week, aged 103, of a broken neck.

A series of neck-wrenching shifts in politeness over her long lifetime finally did her in.

For, all her life, Dame Vera tried to be polite, tried to do the right thing.

Even as a child, she never called anyone a n-g-e- or b-a-k : always a c-l-r-d as was then correct and polite.

But then a new generation of leadership dismissed the old leaders as Uncle Toms for tolerating the use of c-l-r-d : Booker T Washington and W E B Du Bois didn’t like those terms, felt them to be offensive.

Better we call ourselves n-g-o or even N-g-o : so gradually more and more N-g-os did just that.

Then a new generation led by Stokely Carmichael kicked out that once young leadership, to replace them with themselves : the wheel had turned and b-a-k or B-a-k was once again popular.

New leaders always steal all the best jobs by calling yesterday’s once-young-revolutionaires “Uncle Toms”.

Always have and always will : political correctness is always a naked power grab, using words not guns to gain the good jobs in life.

That famous book about Quebec politics was retitled “The White B-a-ks of America”. (Too bad no one told Wendy Mesley that.)

But all too soon a new generation of leaders called Stokely an Uncle Tom and said B-a-k was offensive, : we are A-r-c-n A-e-i-a-s.

Kids : don’t call A-e-i-a-ns of G-r-a-n descent G-r-a-n A-e-i-a-ns though, its offensive.

Just wait a few decades : N-g-o will have returned to favour.

But Vera couldn’t wait : cashed in her chips.

Can’t say I’d blame her....

All the serge federales say, “we could have had Gabriel anyday” (they only let him slip away, out of kindness, I suppose)

with a sad tip of the hat to the late & great TOWNES VAN ZANDT....
So Gabriel Wortman wasn’t a CI, all the federales say (to the Toronto Star), just a bad bad man with 23 years of unchecked violence.

Our serge saviours say everything was under perfect control : that they had their eye on him and could have picked him up any day.

But they didn’t, and then he slipped away into the night and made his great Gotterdammerung getaway.

In a mountie car and a mountie vest : worn out of kindness, I suppose....

What did JOSEY swear to ? A: 5 years for a violent child molester or B: $50 fine for a mountie CI ?

no one SKATES faster than a MOUNTIE CI
The more I re-examine the HALIFAX EXAMINER’s online copies of the court documents surrounding Gabriel Wortman’s $50 fine for trying to murder a vulnerable child, the more worried I get.

To what did HRM police constable Ronald Josey actually swear to on Jan 3 2001 ?

The printed charge of 266 (A) : criminal assault by a violent offender , 5 years in jail ?

Or to the scribbled over (but unusually non-initialed) change change to 266(B) : summary conviction assault by a mountie CI , $50 fine ?

A change scribbled over in a different pen than that used by either Josey or JP Judith Gaul to sign their names on the same document : their pen is in a watery blue ; the new scribble is in a solid blue ink.

I always thought you couldn’t alter a printed document at the last minute with a pen, without initially that change.

And if such a document can be changed after the date of its joint signing, (scary news to most mortgage holders !), the change would have to be clearly dated and initialled by BOTH parties.

And  so I repeat ; on what date exactly was this unsigned, undated, hastily scribbled change to this printed sworn information made ?

Was it when ex-Mountie, ex CSIS spook David G Barrett appeared for the crown before a judge Digby to formalize a deal with Joel Pink’s legal team on Jan 11 2002, a deal to see the charge reduced down to summary conviction 266 (B) from the charge 266 (A) criminal assault that  Constable Laurie Cuvelier handed to Gabriel Wortman on Dec 29 2001 ?

You see my point don’t you ?

The original information that Josey planned to swear before justice Gaul wasn’t very complicated : if he changed his mind so drastically at the last minute, why not just type up a new clean copy as a 266 (B) ?

Or at the very least, have the drastic change initialed and dated by both himself and justice Gaul.

Judge Gaul, because ordinarily she is such  a extreme stickler for the little details - ****always keen to initial even the most routine of crossings outs, I do not believe she would have let this major, major change go un-initialed.

It seems so out of character for her...

**** Note how she initialled the change at the bottom of this page of the document ; from affirmed to swore : bet you 99.9% of other JPS don’t initial such a routine choice...

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

David Coles is definitely not the CBC’s lawyer ; not after he said the “C” WORD

he may need to go into Witness Protection —— now that he  exposed the Ceeb to (more) ridicule
Media reporters have gotten very used to calling David Coles, “the CBC lawyer”, but he is not.

Definitely not.

Not after he used  “The C WORD” in a public court yesterday, while representing a consortium of media, led by the CBC.

CBC money is funding Coles’ efforts to pry more information out from under all those black lines on recent RCMP search warrants regarding the Gabriel Wortman shootings.

David’s moral stain, in the eyes of the Ceeb ?

He dared to talk in public about CIs (confidential informants). albeit in the most general terms.

But that was all the opposing government lawyer needed to inject that despite “a considerable amount of reporting on this, the Crown is not suggesting there is informants in this case...”

The cheeky reporter from Saltwire’s supposedly stodgy Chronicle Herald dared to report all of this in a prominent article. (Not sure if Saltwire is part of the consortium, but thanks be to God, that at least someone is making use of all theat expensively acquired new information.)

The cat was out of the bag.

For now all of the Herald's province-wide readers, who basically duplicate NS CBC’s province- wide listeners, knew that there had been considerable press reporting about Confidential Informants and Gabriel Wortman.

Just not from their beloved CBC.

You can just seen the pools of doubts starting to form in their mind’s eye.

Taxpayers who must support the CBC, by law  - as opposed to voluntary listeners of the CBC - might also wonder why the CBC was funding David Coles very expensive efforts, if they are unwilling to report his efforts.

Please call kenmacintosh @ cbc.ca and complain.

It won’t do you any good : but you will feel better...

BLINK ! modernity just moved the goalposts for life in the universe

Humanity’s REAL opiate crisis is that great ‘opiate of the masses’ : space travel
I don’t think my position on life in the Universe is very different from most biologically-oriented scientists who have studied the requirements.

Microbial life, even microbial life based on non-water solvents in wildly different temperature and pressure regimes than Earth, is probable and even common throughout the Universe.

Even if most of it existed a billion years before humans arrived or will exist a billion years after we are gone.

Or that most of it exists on planets it would take humans a billion years to travel to and then a billion years back home again —- to a human home that no longer exists.

Lifeforms we can’t even see with the naked eye let alone ever communicate and trade with.

Now un-noticed by everybody, my arch-opponent ,Modernity has come to accept that Life in the Universe means just a handful of slow-reproducing microbes living in molten cold ammonia deep under the crust of some distant hell-hole of a planet.

 The start was when Modernity gradually accepted that Earth’s extremophile microbes are real (but not that they are, in their own way, as evolutionarily as clever as humans).

The discovery that some microbes can exist under unbelievable extreme conditions here on Earth has helped Modernity balance its surprise and disappointment that conditions on the Universe’s other planets is very unlikely (as in almost certainly never) to be as human-friendly as the planet we evolved upon.

Why should we expect them to be : every planet is a very complex balance of hundreds of absolutely critical factors : if you recall the simple arithmetic of permutations and combinations, that tells you each is likely truly unique on the fine scale needed to support humans in human like settings.

This, despite the fact that there are probably a trillion times a trillion planets out there.

That’s the good news : because the bad news is that Space is not like crowded but tiny Hong Kong, but rather more like large and empty NWT.

And our production schedules on making all those Warp Drives and Hyper-Drives and Worm Hole Inducers to speed us to the other end of the Universe in a nano-second are waaaaaaaay behind their original due dates : even before covid-19.

So Modernity has come to share the rest of humanity’s quite modest dream of one day discovering there are a few invisible microbes out there on planet x, reproducing once every millennium, alive - just barely - in the super chilled liquid ammonia or methane, deep under the surface.

Big deal !

Its a far cry from what Modernity promised itself and us in its heyday 1875-1965 : that the whole Universe was one vast untapped new market for the entrepreneurial masters of that universe.

A Universe filled with vaguely human like aliens living on resource rich planets.

Exactly why we might want to make contact with other alien civilizations speaks loudly to the arrogance of Modernity-Man : they simply blithely assumed these civilizations would be more primitive than us.

I am a kind of a glass-half-empty guy : I was willing to bet that some alien nations would be much smarter civilizations than us , eager to kill and eat us or merely enslave us.

But Modernity saw only other planets as being rich in resources and filled with little green men and women willing to work for even lower wages than Mexicans would.

I always insist that even more than the rise of the modern civil rights movements in the mid-sixties, Modernity lost its total hegemony in those same mid-sixties with the fly-pasts of Venus and Mars that revealed they were even more deadly to human life than space travel’s harshest critics had ever allowed.

Modernity recovered quickly because on a day to day basis, Modernity was only using the possibility of an easy escape to other planets to newly plunder as the reason why they argued we shouldn’t fear that their environmental destructiveness would kill the only golden goose the rest of humanity has ever discovered : Earth itself.

If the search for life out there had to be scaled back to seeing a few invisible microbes deep under the liquid ammonia out there so be it ; if abandoning Earth like an used condom meant totally geo-planing Mars at a return on investment of a negative 100 million percent, so be it.

They were just opiates for the masses anyway : one Big Lie is as good as another.

For Modernity proponents don’t really, at a deep emotional level, think beyond their own lifetime: as long as they continue to be free to plunder this planet, let their grandchildren struggle how to live and plunder under Mar’s harsh climes...

Chronicle Herald uses the “C” WORD : why won’t the CBC ?

Of course not, here at the Ceeb we aren’t allowed to say “Confidential Informants”
Now even the stodgy old Chronicle Herald has dared to use the “C” WORD in print, joining Maclean’s Magazine, MSN, Toronto Star, Daily Mail in recently doing so in regard to the Gabriel Wortman case.

So why then are all those young with-its at the normally bold and brave Ceeb so afraid of it ?

The Herald rushed in where the pickle-up-its-ass CBC dared not go, boldly reporting that yesterday government prosecutors told a judge that the RCMP did not use CIs (confidential informants) to obtain recent search warrants, the very first search warrants the mounties ever sought against Gabriel Wortman.

(For 23 years the police refused to seek search warrants after this extremely violent individual attempted to murder, or threatened to murder, endless numbers of people - including a cop - with his non-registered (ie illegal) gun stash.

After 23 innocents were murdered, then the RCMP sought (23) search warrants.

When the mounties aren’t burning barns and blaming it on other people, they are locking the barn door after the wolf has killed the chickens.)

But I digress.

Taxpayers are starting to wonder ; are some employees of the CBC double-dipping or what ; working as objective reporters but not adverse to slipping the mounties a little now and then when they think it might serve the public good ?

Is the CBC worried about blackmail by the mounties if the CBC pushes this confidential informant angle ?

Well, before we all get too tin hat on this on, perhaps there is a believable - even true - explanation fro the CBC for this behaviour.

Haven’t heard it yet. An email to Ken MacIntosh, head of CBCMaritimes news and current affairs was ignored.

I have a complaint in with the CBC Ombudsman....

(ONLY) White Protestant Lives Matter ? Black Lives Matter, TOO ?

1930s American street protests agains Hitler’s attacks on Jews & Catholics
Today’s slogans and counter slogans actually are truncated, aren’t they ?

Its really “Black Lives Matter, TOO”, words spoken, even shouted, out loud.

 And its “(ONLY) White Protestant Lives Matter” that is the silent, internally thought, brute force response.

In the 1930s, if street protests in America had been widely permitted and generally popular, one can imagine placards saying  “Jewish Lives Matter, TOO” in response to Hitler’s acting as if  “(ONLY) Aryan Lives Matter”....

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

CBC censors Campbell’s CI counter-argument

email me ken.macintosh.  @ cbc.ca for an explanation
In the interests of fairness, may I say that CBC Nova Scotia’s coverage of New Brunswick born and raised Gabriel Wortman has been exemplary —— at least, in comparison to CBC New Brunswick.

(Talk about praising with faint damns !)

In ordinary circumstances,  President Trump might reasonably expect that if he gave an interview with Fox News announcing that he was about to release his old tax records, he would not have to repeat that interview with all the other 87,563 major media outlets in the world, before his announcement was widely known.

Similarly, we can doubt that RCMP superintendent Darren Campbell  expected his important clarification regarding rumours surrounding a Nova Scotia mass murder would remain known only the GTA readership of the Toronto Star !

But that is what has happened.

I will be making a complaint to the CBC Ombudsman, for the fat lot of good it will do.

When I made a complaint to them about a CBC story from BC a few of years ago, I was promptly sent a case number for my complaint by email.

But nothing else in the years since....

Monday, June 22, 2020

LAURIE CUVELIER came within a penstroke of preventing Wortman killings

as a COP, as well as a hockey player, LAURIE CUVELIER was one of the good guys
T.S. Elliot was right, April is the cruelest month : the same month that brought us the 22 murdered, stalked by killer Gabriel Wortman, also saw 6 service personnel killed in the crash of helicopter Stalker 22.

(The chopper’s nickname seems just a macabre coincidence.)

But there is a something else connecting both tragedies, something DND chose to call “software bias” but what the rest of us would just call the obvious dangers of excessive hubris.

 The dangers of desk-warrior type brass mindlessly touting “flying-by-wire” or “policing-by-wire”.

The dangers of replacing local human hands-on skills with relying on a centralized glitch-prone computer overriding those human skills.

In the case of the DND helicopter attempting to land on board HMCS Fredericton, as the helicopter turned to come in, the computer’s twisted tiny silicon brain felt the pilot of taking it a little too slow.

So it overrode him and pushed the helicopter forward fast and downward : straight into the ocean !

Desperately the human in nominal control, the pilot, tried to punch in manual controls to get the bird upwards again.

Sorry, does not compute, responded HAL the all-knowing computer, “outside tested aircraft spectrum”.

All of the flight crew’s expensively acquired knowledge turned out to be fatally useless with Freddy-Kruger-the-Computer in charge.

Gabriel Wortman only made one mistake in his 25 years of violent incidents leading up to his murder spree ; only one chance for us to catch him out and stop him in his tracks.

Amazingly, one police constable, relying on old-fashioned human skills, did catch GW out.

(But later, the desk-bound brass of the police and prosecutors services looking solely at their computer screens, judged Wortman to be perfectly safe, at least as safe as Graham James, Gerald Regan, Fenwick MacIntosh, Harvey Weinstein et al ——and let him off the hook, free to renew his life of violence, all leading up to the Big Day.  Exactly why they did that is a story for another day.)

This is a story all about Old Dartmouth and you really have to feel the physical setting to get it.

Constable Laurie Cuvelier and I both grew up in Old Dartmouth, just after it had been renamed a City. Underneath that superficial lick of paint, it very much remained the small Town of Dartmouth. Just as all the other semi-rural communities newly incorporated into Dartmouth didn’t lose their own local cultures.

Almost everyone in Old Dartmouth personally knew at least one policeman, friendly enough for both to safely exchange unofficial gossip together. Most Old Dartmouth policemen had lots of personal friends among the citizens they were hired to babysit. None more so than Laurie Cuvelier.

If you aren’t from Dartmouth and you still know his name, its because you’re a sports fan. His dad Jim was a baseball legend, NS Sports Hall of Famer. Laurie was a NHL pick and still plays Gentlemen’s Hockey with Dartmouth’s rabid hockey fans. Everybody knows Laurie - in Old Dartmouth.

Laurie, after growing up in Old Dartmouth, knowing the area like the back of his hand, joined the Old
Dartmouth police, headquartered at Wentworth & Ochterloney, a scant 400 metres from GW’s two homes at 26 Pine and 191 Portland.

GW moved to 26 Pine in 1996 and lived there with wife Corinna till 2001. Officially the little neighbourhood he joined is called Austenville, but everybody else calls it Slabtown and jokes its the bedrock of Dartmouth. It is literally built on an outcrop of sheer bedrock, which makes the community look and feel different.

As a result, it is a very tight little community, probably the tightest on the entire Dartmouth side of the Harbour : everybody knows everybody. Nothing remains secret for very long.

For an Injustice Collector who really really doesn’t like other kids to touch his toys, GW definitely moved into the wrong neighbourhood. The homes all have zero setback : where the last step of your private front porch ends, the public sidewalk begins.

But the addled brain of Gabe Wortman could never quite get that : he became infamous throughout Slabtown as “the grouchy young man” who was always chasing off kids and yelling at them for walking “too close to his front porch”.

Sometimes, when he had a few beers, he’d attempt to manhandle and punch the children : once severe enough that it looked like the parents might file a formal police complaint.

Gabe knew a criminal conviction would cost him his professional license, that he’d lose all his toys.

The rumour was that Wortman responded to this possibility quickly.

Perhaps something along the lines , “a criminal case is a big time waster and my expensive lawyer will just tear your kid’s reputation to shreds, a civil suit will take years and your lawyer will take most of the winnings - why don’t we cut out the middleman and I give you cash, a sort of informal out of court settlement ?”

Whatever the combo of threats and inducements offered, the child beating never went to court, never entered the formal legal computer database — the computer system the modern “policing-by-wire” centralized cops rely upon so much.

But it remained an neighbourhood “Open Secret” in Slabtown and “known to police” among the police with personal friends in Slabtown.

How can I be so sure of this ? Because I’ve encountered it before.

In every one of the many communities Premier Gerald Regan lived in, his sexual assaults on young women there was always a neighbourhood “open secret” and an incident “known to police” with personal friends in Regan’s neighbourhood.

But the local police couldn’t do anything about it : no formal complaints were made as Regan used a combo of threats and finacial inducements to make his problems go away, time and again.

Like GW, GR always tried to fly below the official (now computer-based) radar. Lawyers are smart that way.

In 2001 Wortman moved to 191 Portland, a home above his brand new denturist clinic. In the 6000 long metres of Portland Street, the block between Maitland and Canal has to be the most rundown, most past its due date. Nobody knew nobody and GW felt safe, emboldened.

This time, when he beat up a kid , he was going to do it right.

October 29 2001, a dark and cold windy night. a child named Matt M is waiting for the bus back to his north end home. I have waited on cold nights at that same bus stop many a time and right up at the bus stop itself is really windy. A bit further back, in the lea of the clinic, its a bit warmer.

And yes, GW again bought a zero setback home : an even worse one for a man with his mania : open private front door, immediately on public sidewalk.

Suddenly Matt hears a man yelling “you’re too close to my door” and scared, he starts walking to the next bus stop a long ways away. Bang, a fist hits the back of his head, hard. Stunned, the child turns around and the man grabs his shirt and begins wailing at his face, Matt cries out in pain time and again.

Suddenly another man arrives from out of nowhere and hits Matt on the back of his head with what feels like a crowbar. Now he’s on the ground, thoroughly stunned and the men together begin kicking him into the dark street and its oncoming traffic.

Matt feels he is about to die under some wheels, perhaps even under the wheels of his own bus.

Thankfully an unexpected passerby/witness cries out “stop he’s only kid !”, the two men look up see the passerby’s cell phone (and its camera) and panicked, run off.

The passerby-witness calls an ambulance and the police. The police interview Matt in his hospital bed, talk to doctors, look at x-rays and medical photos.

The case seems hopeless : Matt didn't see his attackers, its a a dark & lonely street. But while his eyes didn’t see anything, his nose and ears made up for it. The first attacker smelt strongly of booze and he began by yelling “you’re too close to my house”. And where were you standing, Matt, when this happened ? “In front of that new dental clinic“.

Not hard then to find the booze-soaked owner of the clinic. Gabe never proffered alternative evidence that the child broke in and stole things : the child was never charged with property damage or theft.

Just this bizarre excuse for an interrupted attempt to murder a child, a total stranger.  “ He was too close to my (zero setback) door”.

Enter Constable Laurie Cuvelier, old school cop.

  I’ll bet my hat, Laurie knew all about Gabe’s evil reputation back in Slabtown, knew it not through the computer database  —— but by good old fashioned “cop on the beat” stuff : from trusted personal friends who told him of the earlier incident that they had heard second hand, passed from neighbour to neighbour.

Not something you could put in a modern cop computer, sure, but something any old time copper worth his salt kept in the back of his head.

Now when Cuvelier heard that GW had beat the hell out another child, I bet he saw RED.

I bet Laurie stuck to that bastard like shit sticks to a blanket : for after a two month long thorough investigation, on December 29th,  it was Laurie himself who pinned a 266 (A) summons on GW : criminal assault, GBH (grievous bodily harm) etc.

Sworn it out before commissioner of oaths, cop Jim Perrin, later top brass as Superintendent Jim Perrin. Laurie & Jim both got their 15 year awards together : the same generation of cop.

266 (a) means potentially 5 years in jail or at least a criminal record ; no more professional licenses, kiss all of GW’s expensive toys goodbye.

But a current millionaire medical professional still has a lot of green, folded, resources.

He began by using a page out of the Gerald Regan playbook : attempt to bribe and threaten the witness. But Matt, despite coming from a poor family from rural Guysborough, ‘spoke the truth to power’ and said no.

Matt M reminds me so much of legislative page Chris C, she was also from a poor family in the rural Strait area, but this poor kid finally did what dozens of better off, better connected Nova Scotian girls totally failed to do : she bravely stood up to Regan and his bullies.

So plan B,  the millionaire hired Nova Scotia’s most expensive criminal lawyer.

You don’t get to be the top dog lawyer , bill the biggest hours, by working nine to five, Monday to Friday.

So all during that long New Years Day holiday weekend, the phone lines began burning : RED hot.

Hard to gather new evidence or even re-look at old evidence over the NewYears holiday, the quietest point of the year for cop shops, courts and hospitals.

Nevertheless, while cop Laurie saw RED over an adult again trying to murder a kid over the most trivial excuse, the justice system only saw PINK.

For on January 3rd 2002, a few days later, a totally bizarre document entered into the Nova Scotia legal system.

The entire file on this case was put online by the Halifax Examiner. Please examine it together with me.

It began - began - as a neatly typed Information sworn out by Halifax-based Constable Ron Josey before Justice of the Peace Judith Gaul from Fall River.

Josey swore - or intended to swear, judging by the original typed text - that he had reasonable grounds to believe GW had committed a 266 A, punishable by up to 5 years in jail.

Now Judith Gaul is a very meticulous judge, armed with a distinctive fading in-and-out felt tip pen. For example, when she strikes out “affirmed by” at the bottom of the page, because Josey chose to swear it instead, she carefully initials it : something 99% of other JPs won’t bother to do.

But on the face of it, the  typed A in the 266A  charge has been struck out and replaced by a darker ball point pen B.


A huge change from 5 years jail to $50 buck fine and it is not initialled !

Did Josey make this very last minute, very drastic change but then why not initial it ?

Or was the change made AFTER Josey had sworn out the Information before the Judge ?

The next page signed by Gaul on the same January 3rd date, with the same distinctive felt pen, has  lots of room for future indications of next court date appearances for this case.

Gaul’s distinctive pen and handwriting starts the ball rolling : She changes the first court date at Dartmouth provincial Court from Jan 10th, as per GW’s original summons, to Jan 17th, before judge  F. I. and crown attorney E.T. No idea about ET but Flora I Buchan was a judge at the Dartmouth Provincial Court in that year.

Some other pen, some other handwriting scrawls in Pink? as  possible defence lawyer.

Irrelevant really as a different ball point pen and a different handwriting records the case is heard on January 11th before judge WBD and crown Barrett and M Taylor for Pink as defence.

Here the charged is formally skated down from potentially 5 years in jail to potentially $50 fine.

In Dartmouth Provincial Court in 2002, we have working there Judge William B Digby, crown attorney David G Barrett and Mike Taylor as associate of Joel Pink, Nova Scotia’s top criminal lawyer.

Barrett originally from the greater Beaverbank area was both CSIS and Mountie before coming a lawyer ; he remains lawyer to the NS Retired Mounties Association.

Bet GW took only a milli-second to let Barrett know he had two highly respected uncles in “The Force” !

Regardless of how it happened, GW skated from the only chance we ever had to give him a criminal record. Without a criminal record in history, the police refused to swear out search warrants to investigate reports of violence and illegal guns that came up again and again against Wortman.

Today - much too late - the barndoor fully closed - with 22 murders on his hands -  GW will finally enter in the official computer database that the policing-by-wire cops so much rely upon...

what’s really missing from mounties’ wortman evidence locker is SEARCH WARRANTS

it sure looks like a cop car and cop money but Darren says it isn’t
23 years of violence, 23 years of illegal guns, 23 dead : but no search warrants.

But after he’s dead, after he’s murdered 23 innocents : NOW there are no end of search warrants.

The public, those forgotten employers of our rcmp employees, are saying, “so now you are bolting the barn-door ——- long after the wolf has departed”.

Who can blame them ?

If we are to believe what Mountie Supt Darren Campbell told the TORONTO STAR, “yes the RCMP manual compels me to lie about CIs, but I am not lying about this CI”, then the RCMP needs to offer up an alternative theory to the crime.

The crime ?

Twenty three years of actual and threatened attempted murders, usually involving non-registered guns, with nary a search warrant.

If Gabriel Wortman didn’t skate because he was a CI, how then, why then, did you never ever go in front of a judge for a search warrant ?

A guy with a record of violence threatens to kill a cop with his illegal guns but still no search warrant ?

The ordinary employer says “that’d never happen to me, if I tried that on : my employees in their log cabin in the 14th floor of mountie HQ in Burnside are up to something”.

So, Darren, from all the guys down here on Earth who sign your paycheque, take this an an official warning and reprimand : you gotta do better : we ain’t buying it.....

read in UK’s Daily Mail what CBC censors won’t let you read here at home

Fat, Bald and Fifty  : time to cash in my chips and burn down the world with me
Thanks to the internet, CBC censorship is not longer working

Curious Canadians can read all about this in other well known mainstream media outlets from around the world : I will mention just a few more : MSN News, Toronto Star, Macleans Magazine.

Just not on the CBC.

No, no, no !!!

I have an email out to Ken MacIntosh, head of the CBC Maritimes news and public affairs, seeking an explanation.

(editorial note : good luck with that chum ....)

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Warp Driving Modernity through an ever-expanding Universe

John W CAMPBELL saved Modernity, the bastard.
Modernity is the idea that humans can realistically hope to control the entire Universe ; Postmodernity says we are resigned to learning a fair bit about the small parts we can actually touch and a lot less about the parts we can only very indirectly observe.

Modernity thus took a major hit in the 1920s as it suddenly became accepted science that (A) the Universe was trillions of times bigger than we had thought and that (B) mass, ie humans, can never hope to travel anywhere near light speed because the energy required approaches infinity levels.

But where production-science-on-its-way-to-becoming-impact-science failed, science fiction, hard science fiction, leaped in to save the modernist dream.

Yes, said John W Campbell , pioneering editor-writer-guru of the emerging the Sci Fi world in 1931.

So true, our spaceships can’t move fast enough through the time-space continuum, according to the saintly Einstein.

So we will have the space-continuum warped past our space ships at mega-light speed to get us to distant galaxies in.... tens of thousands of years.

That detail is usually lost in all the modernity-promoting gush.

But Campbell’s warp drive theory took over both the science fiction and science a bit less fictional communities.

Star Wars and Star trek couldn't exist without it and NASA still considers it a distant but promising reality.

Most importantly - most tragically - Modernity itself couldnt continue to exist in the minds of a loud one third of our global population without warp drives as a mental safety valve.

Warp speed warp drives are what allows this one third to blissfully ignore the fact that the threatened life on this little green dot is all the life that us earthlings will ever know, so we best get cracking on saving it...

FINTRAC covid misdeeds must be part of Wortman Scandal Inquiry

NADA SEMAAN must explain why FINTRAC released Wortman’s $475,000 in $100 bills during covid-spread-by-money alert 
The best science in the world, during in the week of March 30th 2020, just after the covid-19 fears crisis exploded, was that the virus was still live and virulent for a considerable time if it landed on metal and paper surfaces.

Paper and metal surfaces like coins and paper money.

The federal government was even said to be pondering a temp cash ban. Many retail businesses - of the few retail businesses still allowed to be open - were plastic-only or strongly pushing the use of plastic.

How then did FINTRAC ever allow Gabriel Wortman to skate a cool half mil in $100 bills past its supposedly watchful eye ?

What did a small businessman, whose traditional business was mostly paid by employee medical insurance, suddenly need with that much cash, when cash was believed to facilitate the spread of the deadly Covid-19 ?

A small businessman whose business was not even open ; ordered closed by his provincial government for what was correctly believed at the time to be for a period months into the future ?

We voters have a right to expect our federal employees to help reduce the covid death toll - not to increase it.

Only a full public inquiry on the Wortman Scandal will determine just how much - or more likely - how little FINTAC did to make Canadians safer in the early, deadliest, stage of the Covid crisis....

Secret reason why CBC not covering FINTRAC releasing $475,000 during a covid-infected-cash scare

the three cute little chimps Cee & Bee & Cee see no $475,000, hear no $475,000 and taste no $475,000
No matter how I tried, doing as various irate Facebookers suggested, when I googled “CBC+$475,000+Wortman” just now, I got nothing, zero, zilch, total radio silence.

People on the various FACEBOOK forums devoted to dissecting the Gabriel Wortman disaster have every reason to be angry and fuming mad.

They are wondering why “the people’s paper”, the CBC,  have still not re-reported the various Macleans Magazine revelations (+ arresting video stills), on how GW had once again skated.

Skated $475,000 in $100 bills past FINTRAC.

Skated a cool half a mill in the green stuff right past the hapless federal agency in the very week when a covid-panicked federal government was urging the restricted use of cash to reduce the spread of covid droplets, even pondering a cash-ban.

My only theory is that like the RCMP , the CBC (ditto FINTRAC & the gun registration system) is yet another federally-funded agency that has faced constant threats to de-fund it or disband it - only this time from the right, not the left.

To guard itself from attacks on its fat paycheques from the right, the CBC internal culture has made an informal agreement with itself to make lots of little cuts on issues like illegal guns and money laundering/offshore tax havens but never to be seen landing any lethal blows.

Older, whiter, suburban Canadians - Canadians mostly on the right  - actually like looser gun controls - except those imposed on young urban kids of color.

And generally it is people on the right who have the lolly that needs hiding from the tax men & FINTRAC , it is the right that needs money laundries and tax havens - not poor urban black kids.

And the right is far more pro-RCMP, regardless of their misdeeds, than the left is.

It may therefore not be the direct issue of whether or not Wortman was a murderous Mountie CI that has made the CBC shy away from reporting on this RCMP skating operation.

It is the indirect (de-funding) consequences if the future-PM Peter MacKay’s right wing comes to believe that the fatal assault on the reputation of their beloved RCMP was led by the much-hated CBC.

Better, much better, then if the private sector’s Maclean’s Magazine feels all the wrath of the right...

Saturday, June 20, 2020

“Follow that Carry-all” : if $475,000 never makes it into GW’s probated estate, its mountie money

Here, in NS Probate Court, is where Wortman CI theory will be tested
If solving murder mysteries were like academic science, here within is a grant proposal to test “The Palango CI Hypothesis”.

Its simple, really: elegant and rigorous as the physicists like so much to say.

If the $475,000 in $100 bills in Wortman’s carryall ends up in the Wortman estate as legally probated by the Public Trustee of Nova Scotia, it really was GW’s money —— through how obtained and whether income tax was ever paid on it remain open questions for further scientists to answer.

But if the carryall remains in mountie hands, that is a de facto admission by our saviours-in-red-serge that the money was never “really” GW’s in the first place.

Rather it was RCMP money - ours, the taxpayers, money - meant to be used in a big drug buy with the Hells Angels that went horribly (23 dead) wrong....

Now if I were the grants committee on the other side of the desk, I’d give this grant application a bye.

Because in the real world that even scientists must live in, the barn-burners would think nothing of cutting the $475,000 loose, letting the estate of Gabriel Wortman keep the half mill in taxpayers’ money, if it means the Force can save face  ——rather than admit that the mass killer was one of their own....

TIMELINE of Wortman-the-Untouchable, best Skater of all time

did GW have a Guardian Angel in red serge ?
Journalist, author and long time RCMP critic Paul Palango’s theory that Gabriel Wortman was a mountie CI involved in outlaw biker operations does not have much hard evidence directly connecting him to either the RCMP or the HELLS ANGELS, so why then is it so wildly popular among ordinary Nova Scotians ?

My own theory is this : if not a CI, how else to explain the fact that repeated and credible allegations about Wortman’s 25 years of extremely violent acts and illegal guns never once saw the sort of search warrant activity that an ordinary citizen would expect to see, if they had even done just ONE of Wortman’s violent acts ?

Never once a search warrant in 25 years - never one stood in front of a judge.

Teflon-the-Untouchable !

Late 1990s : after threatening and chasing away children walking on the sidewalk by his door on Pine Street Dartmouth, Wortman beats up a child. Skates, some how.

Late 2001, same story, new injured child, new street : his new Portland Street home. This time an old school beat cop is determined to lay a charge of criminal assault, 5 years in jail. It proceeds through the legal system until it is quietly reduced to $50 fine. The best, probably our only realistic chance to prevent 23 dead, itself mysterious dies. Wortman skates.

Early 2000s, GW burns down hut with Portapique’s neighbour’s property in it : Arson . Skates.

2004 : common law partner of GW asks neighbour to help her move stuff on the matrimonial property she and GW jointly own. GW tells neighbour,  I will kill you with my (illegal) guns if you step one foot on MY property. Skates.

2010 : tells uncle he plans to kill his mom and dad with his illegal guns, another uncle - a top RCMP member - calls RCMP. Skates.

2011 : Beats up Dad in Cuba. Skates.

2011 : is reported to be acting squirrelly, making his will, seeking death-by-cop suicide by going out to kill a cop, with his illegal guns. Skates.

2012 : chokes common law partner half to death in front of three witnesses : tells them, if you make a complaint, I kill you with my illegal guns just like I killed men in USA. Skates.

Neighbour, her and husband armed forces, fill complaint re the above incident. GW skates.

He stalks the woman. Skates.

Given GW’s argumentative nature and violent temper, who can doubt there were other incidents that remain unreported - not just in Dartmouth and in Portapique, but also in places like Kentville NS, Moncton and Fredericton NB —- and in Ontario ?

So ask yourself, punk, do you feel as “lucky” as Gabe Wortman  : or do you feel there was a Higher Power, a sort of Guardian Angel in red serge robes, guiding our golden boy towards his date with mass death....

did collapse of E-Pirate case in Jan 2019 influence RCMP response to Wortman CI inquiries?

Mistake could have cost CI their life : mistake did cost BC a prominent money-laundering conviction 
Crown prosecutors inadvertently exposed an RCMP informant to the defence team just before the expected January 2019  “E-PIRATE” trial that was the result of a four year long , highly expensive, highly dangerous operation against just one firm and just one couple that allegedly laundered over a $ billion in illegal cash from their tiny Richmond BC office.

The BC Attorney General naturally hit the roof as the issue was highly politically explosive in BC and now it appeared that the federal RCMP had produced the files that both they and the provincial prosecution service had failed to vet for possible leaks of CIs’ identities.

If the CI had died as a result, the number of people willing to become RCMP CIs and undercover agents would drop drastically.

To shore up confidence in RCMP-informant relationships in the year since, I suspect the RCMP will have doubled down and resolved, at the highest levels, to never ever admit the dead Gabe Wortman was a CI or agent - not unless the Supreme Court of Canada makes them....

Mountie Manual : lie, lie & lie again to protect CIs, except to a judge

superintendent PINOCCHIO holds rcmp press conference to deny “Wortman,CI”
Lying to the press and public about whether or not Gabriel Wortman was a CI for our saviours-in-red-serge is perfectly ok, says the Mountie rulebook.

But don’t dare lie to judges ; they're funny that way.

So when top Mountie brass repeatedly say GW had no relationship to the RCMP (except that he seemed like Teflon itself when it came to them ever charging him), trust them like you would trust Pinocchio himself.....

was COVID crisis perfect cover for wortman to slip $475,000 past FINTRAC ?

COVID crisis provided the perfect cover ( and perfect cover story)....
In mid to late March 2020, FINTRAC, the agency and system that tracks all movements of large sums of cash in Canada was in meltdown crisis.

Covid-19 had produced a panic attack among many ordinarily sensible Canadians, now seeking to take home large amounts of cash for what seemed like “The Last Days”.

That extra large inflow of large cash movements couldn’t have come at a worst time.

Because, again thanks to Covid-19, much of the staff at FINTRAC and among the reporting companies were either off work or working under restricted physical conditions.

FINTRAC reacted by triaging all but the most serious movements of cash and relaxing normal reporting requirements and deadlines.

This was all very publicly reported.

No doubt, some people, like Gabriel Wortman, the Hells Angels and the RCMP saw a rare chance to take advantage of the situation to slip something by. something that in other circumstances might have put up a very big, very red, flag.

After all, GW was hardly the only small businessman taking out a lot of cash to tide them through the Covid crisis.

Fuelling the urgency to take out large lumps of the green stuff among those less than honest were the persistent rumours (and in many cases, the actuality) that cash was being banned and only plastic could be used for payments.

If plastic-only became the law, perhaps everyone in this shady deal moved up their timetable, to get a large amount of untraceable cash out through this narrow window of opportunity, before the trap door shut...

Friday, June 19, 2020

As per usual ,CIBC up to its short & curlies in a suspicious money deal

a long struggling bank
I laughed out loud when I began reading MacLeans Magazine’s latest on the Portapique disaster.

It was, of course - it had to be -  CIBC that got the $475,000 in $100 bills to a Brinks Office and into a carryall of Gabriel Wortman.

CIBC is seen as the weakest of Canada’s big banks, the one most likely to be swallowed up at some point by one or nore of the others.

Land developers know the CIBC crew are up for pretty well anything - anything the other four don’t want to do.

It was CIBC, you remember, who was working hand in glove to enable Chinese zillionaires get their illict gains pass the Chinese and Canadian limitation on cash transfers back in 2015.

Kathy Tomlinson, investigative reporter, followed all the dirty money trail through a court case before Judge Randall Wong.

The internal CIBC emails make for interesting - toe-curling - reading.

So much so, it would be nothing to turn a practised blind eye to large cash payments going out to RCMP agents & informants - turning blind eyes for a good fee would be milk and cookies to the long struggling bank....

COVID-19 now believed to have originated at NS legislature, genetically engineered by opposition MLAs

pronounced “CON”

TRIGGER ALERT : if you are still breathing, dear Nova Scotia taxpayers, this story might cause severe heart palpitations ...

“Opening up the NS Legislature and allowing committees to meet, would put the entire world in grave danger - starting an even more deadly Second Wave of Covid-19”, Premier McNeil informed a startled TV audience yesterday.

He put the situation at DEFCON 2 - the only thing more deadly, said the Premier, is the possibility of a full and fair and open public inquiry on just what my family’s many police members were doing/not doing while the violent Gabe Wortman skated seamlessly through the policing system in NS for three long decades.

That would be DEFCON 1.....

GW loved HA more than LB ? the secret code of our politically correct age

Lincoln’s “base alloy of hypocrisy”
Move over Telegraphese or VARIETY-style Headlinese ; our politically touchy-feely age has got you beat.

My post headline is the sort of stuff you gotta write these days on FACEBOOK forums and in comments sections of MSM media, in discussing the Wortman case.

If I translated it for you, in to ordinary english, I would get kicked off the forums & my commenting deleted, so I won’t.

Its all being done - apparently - for the sake of the victims families’ privacy.

The same families who put the names and photos of the 22 victims up for the world to see, without express “living will” type instructions from their dead relatives to do so.

And it is coming from those same privacy/politically correct ridden media outlets who gladly splashed those victims’ names & photos about repeatedly.

In the arcane and highly technical language of us PKs, (that I can translate ; it means Philosophers’ Kids), we call that   “hypocrisy”.

I could translate that for you —— but I have been reminded that Jesus already did....

SIRT, like parrot, isn’t dead : its only sleeping, on the Wortman file

is it DEAD, like its clients, or only sleeping ?
Two months ago, a man died in a police interaction and, as per the law,  Nova Scotia’s SIRT unit was called in, to render a verdict ; lawful or unlawful death ?

Still no report, still no autopsy.

I am particularly interested in Gabriel Wortman’s liver and “three decades of too much drink and not enough food” health in general - did a rapid decline here speed up his decision to end it all , cash out his chips in a final fiery showdown ?

*Hello, SIRT, talk to me ; talk to us ....

*As a citizen, I emailed SIRT to ask when a Wortman report might be released : why not do the same ?

Its  : sirt@govt.ns.ca