Thursday, December 17, 2020

Lots of Canadians got very rich during the GREAT DEPRESSION : Gabriel Wortman would have been one of them


Canada’s Pollyanna Press doesn’t like to discuss it, but lots of present day Canadian zillionaire families first got their wealth during the GREAT DEPRESSION, feasting upon the weak and vulnerable in a time of near universal disaster.

If all your wealth wasn’t liquid and gone down the drain on the stock-market, if it was instead in something solid like residential real estate, you could do quite well out of the GREAT DEPRESSION.

In general, wages and other costs fell : albeit along with consumer demand.

Except in one crucial area : residential rentals. Many people had to give up living in their own individual house and now had to rent a part of a house instead.

But lets start at the beginning.

New house building starts fell basically to zero and many current working class house-occupiers either couldnt pay the mortgage or had the mortgage paid up but urgently needed money to feed the family.

If you had a little loose capital and no heart, you simply offered them ridiculously low prices on their homes, knowing they badly needed cash, any cash - even unfair cash, - and would probably then go double up with relatives for their new accommodations.

Their single family homes, after a bit of slap-dash partitioning, would be added to your slum-landlord holdings and would be profitable, even at low rentals, because your buying price was also so very low. 

And you could maybe even stiff the original owners a little : delivering the half of the price quickly and then stalling, stalling on the other half knowing they had no money to waste on a court case.

This is how we have seen Gabriel Wortman operate : offer the poor & vulnerable a pittance on their properties and then stiff them as they unlikely to sue.

In the case of Aaron Tuck, we now see a new wrinkle : actual violence & threats of violence to convince a stubborn land owner to sell up on the cheap and get outa Dodge to protect their families.

Aaron didn’t budge, figuring Gabe would only go just so far with his violence.

Like most everybody else who came across Gabriel Wortman, he guessed wrong....


  1. Just "Tuck" not "Tucker". Probably one of those spell-check correction errors.

  2. Lisa Banfield is being given a lot of sympathy considering she was staying with a man that beat up kids, threatened the whole neighborhood and tried to be some kind of asshole property Lord at the expense of others, among other things. I wonder if we will find out that those slippers in debert are what Lisa was wearing when she was doing X all night. Whatever the case Joudrey didnt think she was in the woods all night, not a pine needle on her. Wouldn't be surprised if Gabriel Wortman had more than one shadow for part of that night. Most legacy media is cautiously naming her, maybe one day they'll do some investigative journalism on the case. Tim Bousquet reported he proved GW wasn't a CI based on a financial assessment made by a former CSIS agent. Never mind that a person can't prove things don't exist that the onus is on the person making the claim to provide evidence for a claim and the most that could be said was there wasn't any evidence found for the CI hypothesis in an financial assessment of GW, ignoring the oddness of Tim claiming he proved something didn't exist, he's now claiming there's a few 100k whose source is as of yet unknown. Whatever that is or isn't it's not really investigative journalism. "I proved GW wasn't a CI" ignoring the violation to common sense and judgement under uncertainty that kind of claim is, tim's now saying "I proved he wasnt a CI by getting a former CSIS agent to do a financial assessment and oh btw theres a few 100k around I dont know the source for"

    Its just error after error and nonsense after nonsense coming out of Bousquet, I know he only cares about reputation, status and money but as a journalist he should realize his credence is going down the toilet. There's more than a whiff of bullshit to Tim's writing, not using Wortman's or Banfield's name based on spurious moral reasoning then using them the minute the RCMP does. He's certain in his own rectitude but he's just publishing whatever swill tickles his fancy as long as it's following the outskirts of orthodoxy. More than a whiff it's miasma that stultifies after short term exposures.

  3. I've looked in a lot of places, but can't find anything on GW's religious background. That is, of his ancestors, since he apparently was non-religious. Do you know?
