Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Thanks to QAnon, Billy-From-Arichat is suddenly a SOMEBODY

 Billy Joyce, Youtube star and People’s Party candidate, and I have a lot more in common than you might imagine.

For a start, we both attended an Acadian catholic church, grew up in rural Nova Scotia, have francophone relatives.

God knows we aren’t hot with chicks or stuffed with cash and we live far off the beaten path from those with beauty, wealth and fame.

But now, thanks to an internet account, we able to offer up our opinions - we both have an awfully lot of them - to the entire world.

(A lot lot more so in Billy’s case), we are both now known around the world to an astute few - we are both now able to bask in the dim but warm glow of our viewers’ adulation.

QAnon’s theories on what this world is really about (hint : drinking kids’ blood) have brought Billy-from-remote-Cape-Breton to the whole world’s attention : here is a SOMEBODY, to whom attention must be paid !

I doubt anything anyone says against QAnon’s theories are going to move Billy in the least : he has ,at last, found his route to his anointed 15 minutes of fame...

1 comment:

  1. I tried to explain George c Williams and how senescence proves that no amount of adrenochrome or substance X can cure aging. "All at once and nothing first just as bubbles do when they burst." They told me "drinking the blood of terrified children is REAL" and asked me i f Trudeau did or did not have access to a caravan of children for adrenochrome. This guy was if not normal, not that dumb a couple years ago. Seems any stumblebum who has a YouTube feed is almost worshipped. Might be an idea to keep in the back pocket: YouTube demagogue. Steve LTT, raging humanist, what pencil neck clowns enmbarassing themselves.
