Thursday, August 27, 2020

trump is far too busy saving america from CANNIBALS to save it from COVID

Trump’s father Fred was an Catholic-hating KKK street brawler , but Donald has bigger ambitions...
The Tin-Hatter-In-Chief has re-tweeted QAnon favourable tweets at least 216 times, as well as praising to the hilt numerous QAnon supporting GOP candidates. He even asked one neo-nazi Jew-hater to speak at the Republican Nation Convention !

 Here is what he said during a nationally broadcast press conference :

It is indeed sad to see the party of Abraham descend into the party of Adolph....

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Would Gabriel Wortman have been stopped much earlier, if police had a less casual moral attitude to domestic violence ?

Defund SIRT and use the money for ROYAL COMMISSION on why police more violent against their kids & spouses and yet less likely to be charged by fellow cops 
Members of police forces may not have started life with a casual attitude to violence in general and domestic violence in particular but it may be that their job’s perks, soon hardwires their brain cells that way.

Legally, the police (along with soldiers and prison guards) are granted the very rare privilege to use violence in their daily job and yet, generally, not go to jail for doing so.

The police are society’s legal “enforcers” and frequently, society’s prosecutor, judge and jury  as well. For most things they investigate never proceeds to formal public trial and are decided - on the spot - by the copper on the beat.

And so gradually, this attitude may transfer to their home lives, where they “lay down the law”, using the methods they have come to know best.

Evidence is clear : they are both MORE likely than the general public to commit domestic violence and LESS likely to be charged.

Thus the police, twice-over, develop a casual attitude personal attitude to domestic violence, the rulebook be damned.

What a PUBLIC INQUIRY might choose to investigate (don’t hold your breath) is whether this casual personal attitude to domestic violence coloured how the RCMP (& maybe HRM police ?) reacted/ didn’t react to the complaints re Gabriel Wortman for alleged acts of domestic violence against his common law partner Lisa Banfield.

More likely, only steadily mounting public pressure, particularly from those so crucial ‘female swing voters‘, will have to build before some election-hungry party promises - and then delivers : quel surprise ! - a Royal Commission on the issue.

Keep on pegging away fellow public employers : at some point our public employees might actually obey you...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

QAnon’s highly graphic fears, together with Vaseline, provides fast fast relief for repressed Christians

Oooooh - what QAnon-believing Evangelical woman won’t want to be abducted  & abused by this Hollywood Liberal film star ?
Relax, people : QAnon is just the latest in several centuries of Christian Porn, created to allow repressed Christians to enjoy their most wicked sexual fantasies, in vivid and lengthy detail, while waxing righteous outrage against it.

I worked in enough Christian bookstores to see just what evil conspiracy fantasies popped up time and again ——- and which evil fantasies never did.

No American Christian is ever likely to write, let alone read and secretly enjoy, a real life conspiracy expose that involves Christians abducted and forced to buy consumer items at outrageous prices or work outrageously long hours in unsafe conditions for well under minimum wage.

Those are left wing  socialist fears and American Evangelicals worship the making of money (by charging too much and paying too little) to the extent that would totally enrage Christ, whose Red Letter talk never once had anything positive to say about money-making.

No Christian Evangelical conspiracy expose bestseller is ever likely to reveal good Baptist ladies being abducted and forced against their will to make, and eat, endless amounts of rich creamy sweet desert treats.

Or forced, against their will, to eat nothing but highly processed food, made overseas —- that is an environmentalist’s conspiracy fantasy.

Nor are we ever likely to hear about a best selling conspiracy expose which reveals how scores of good Christian couples were abducted to a fabulous resort where they were forced to enjoy vanilla sex all day between man and wife, interrupted only bible group discussions and delicious meals cooked by someone else on fabulous dishes and table clothes, cleaned by someone else.

No, all QAnon conspiracy exposes, like all their earlier kin dating back to the rise of Gothic novels in the mid 18th century, are variants on The Story of O.

Good Christian women are abducted and forced to do unspeakable sex acts in dark dirty dungeons, on dark dirty bed sheets, while their husbands are forced to watch helplessly. Occasionally, this is interrupted while the wives are forced to watch helplessly as their good Christian husbands are forced to do unspeakable sexual acts, on dark dirty bed sheets.

Christian Porn is very much like Secular Porn.

 Yes, in secular porn, the Godless women (paid actresses) are always willing and indeed eager to be abused in the worst way by the males. However, in fact - act surprised - this is a fantasy.

In Christian porn, the female Christian victims are definitely unwilling to perform bestial sex and fight it all the way. But this, too, is a fantasy : if it wasn’t - why repulse your Christian Faith by reading it?

QAnon has simply updated the ancient formula that made Rudy Valentino‘s THE SHEIK such a perennial pantie-warmer throughout white protestant middle America.

To recap, THE SHEIK allowed former slave-owners and their kids to re-invent themselves as the white victims of dark-skinned enslavers : the old trope of White Slavery, with the added bonus that they could enjoy dirty sexual fantasies while still raging against evil darkie enslavers.

A potent formula, but at the bottom as much a fantasy as secular porn’s fantasy that all women are always willing to debase themselves at a moment’s notice to please men...

Monday, August 24, 2020

Showers of Gold - or Golden Showers : is the GOP all about sex, money — or both ?

In public, Republicans dream about being SHOWERED in GOLD : but in private ?
Trump longtime fixer Michael Cohen’s foreword to his forthcoming tell-all book, DISLOYAL, promises revelations about “golden showers in Vegas”.

Germaphobic Billionaire Trump can’t seem to get past this persistent connection between himself and Golden Showers which basically is the state of being sexually aroused by tinkling on other people or by being tinkled upon yourself.

Yet, on the surface, the GOP membership would seem to be all about making money : showers of gold coins.

In America, the desire to make billions is very surface : tens of millions people openly state that is their main goal in life while hundreds of millions of their fellow Americans applaud them.

Equally, in GOP America, sexual activities of anything but the most vanilla nature between a married man and woman are highly taboo, highly secret.

Constantly talking about the need to repress and ban non-vanilla sexual urges is thus the most profitable way to get ahead within the GOP, the way to make money.

Except it frequently turns out that it is always the GOPers who talk most frequently about banning various sexual “sins” who are the ones secretly doing it the most. Big Shout-Out to GOP-Evangelical power couple Becki & Jerry Falwell & their threesomes with “Jesus” ....Fernandez, Jr.

Far then from accurately reflecting a revulsion against the “germs” of urine, Trump‘s constant and even obsessive concern about avoiding washroom germs might thus instead reflect a lifelong fascination with washrooms as the secret sites of The Donald’s sexual pleasures....

1940 Report on bacterial “persisters” finally makes the news — in 2020, signalling a further defeat of Modernity...

In 1940, Dr Gladys Hobby noted not all of the STREP bacteria were dying from massive doses of her homebrew penicillin...
Dr Martin Henry Dawson’s scientific partner, Dr Gladys Hobby, noted in 1940 that perhaps 1% of susceptible bacteria fail to die when a colony is hit hard by a massive dose of penicillin : these survivors were soon called persisters.

Recent scientific articles confirm these persisters are often due to successful “quorum sensing” ——another bacteria behaviour that Dr Dawson’s team first reported upon, this time in 1930.

Individual bacteria communicate by releasing chemical signals when the local environment changes.

When those chemicals reach a high enough local concentration (gradient) , the entire bacterial colony responds.

The chemical ‘signal’ couples with other chemicals already existing at low levels within all bacteria to trigger a chain of events that leads to some gene activities being scaled back while others expand.

These new gene actions are a useful (almost ‘rational’) response to the threat posed by the new environmental circumstances.

So when bacteria on the outer surface of a colony start to rapidly die en masse from an antibiotic, the chemicals they give off warns bacteria in the interior to divert ‘growth energy’ activities towards ‘survival mode’ energy activities instead.

The medical implications of the 1940 discovery were instantly accepted : but the philosophical implications were rejected - for eighty years.

The hegemonic power of 1940s Modernity was based on most people believing the claim that the biggest European-based civilizations represented the very top of Life —— and that bacteria represented the very bottom.

Quorum Sensing (basically all bacteria in a colony obeying the Covid dictate to “wear masks to stay alive”), together with the actions of such great European civilizers as Hitler and Stalin and Trump, threw all of that into question....

Wortman, Falwell, Trump : is being a CI for QAnon the new get-out-jail card for moral failings ?

How ironic that evil Hollywood will make a fortune on the movie about this steamy love-triangle among strait-laced Evangelicals
“Yes, I know what the tape looks like your Honour, me watching approvingly while my wife had sex yet again with the pool boy, but Becki and I were actually both CIs for QAnon, going deep undercover into a Hollywood sex ring promoting the development of gay-friendly hostels.”

The sex scandal sweeping up the de facto boss of WOMEN FOR MORAL DECENCY AND TRUMP (try thinking that brain-twister quickly !) and her Liberty University Evangelical multi millionaire man-of-the-cloth husband Jerry Falwell just keeps on getting weirder and weirder.

It began - in theory  -with a photo of a semi naked Falwell, holding a drink, together with a semi naked young woman not his wife, on a big luxury yacht.

Falwell is probably America’s top Evangelical and he runs a hyper strict Christian University with all students and staff bound not to play cards, dance, wear blue jeans etc -very 1950s stuff— let alone move on into the 21st century and get into drugs sex and rock n roll.

Supposedly this photo was the reason why his normally totally supine Board - displaying a much stronger loyalty to their mega-pastor than to the Word of God - put him on leave.

Actually the mild, explainable photo was just a beard - to get the Falwells out of town and off campus before a much more explosive Reuters investigation went radioactive.

Jerry tried to get ahead of that story himself blaming “a very brief affair” on his wife and a quite young -blackmailing- Latino pool boy. A pool boy he said had seduced other rich women, all to fund his gay-friendly Florida hostel.

Reuters begs to differ and it has audio and video to back up their claim the Falwells-Pool Boy affair lasted seven years and that Jerry like to watch while Becki ‘did’ the little dark-tanned pool boy, (no doubt while also on the phone reassuring Evangelical ladies all over the country that Trump was a very holy man who prayed to God three times a day!)

(And preyed on little girls three times a night.)

In the old days, before Evangelical megachurches were bought up wholesale by Satanists while maintaining the old trademark, things would not go good for the Falwell couple.

But now, thanks to QAnon’s arresting story about undercover agent Trump, D.  working inside Hollywood’s sex pervert ring, only pretending to ‘do’ little girls while actually taking down names for a big bust in 2021, early May, orders from Bill Barr his DA, no one ever needs to get convicted up sex crimes ever again.

 Nowadays, you simply claim that your apparent ‘money shot’ was just a lot of mayo, because you were actually using that apparent surge of sexual interest as deep cover for you and other QAnon CIs, all trying to bring down the forces of darkness inside Hollywood’s fortresses of satin bed sheets....

with “friends” like top Evangelical Jerry Falwell, God hardly needs enemies...

Jerry Falwell now claims he was blackmailed by a gay-supporting pool boy who seduced Rebecca AND had dirty photos of Jerry
I personally don’t get as exercised as many expect when immoral Evangelicals do immoral things ; the world have many bad people - some religious, some not.

What is far more disturbing to me is that the majority of Evangelicals, themselves generally decent people, stay so obediently silent to their Evangelical leadership even as their leaders’ sordid activities emerge.

To cite a better known parallel : the greatest moral failing in WWI was not what the Nazis did in the Fall of 1939 in Poland. (And ever onward till May 1945.)

Rather it was that 95% of the sovereign nations of the world stood around in their first (safe) months of WWII and did nothing in the face of clear press reports detailing the sort of atrocities the Nazi made infamous for the remainder of war.

The vast bulk of the world’s decent people stood around and did nothing : like school kids in a school yard, arms folded, while the football thug beats the crap out of a skinny kid in grade nine : bystanders.

If only the decent people had none the decent thing in October 1939, the rest of WWII needn’t have happened.

Similarly, it is the willingness of decent Evangelicals to overlook the moral failings of people like Jerry Falwell (and his best bud Trump) that would disturb Jesus most : from the Bible, we know he assigned the worst circle in Hell to the hypocrite.....

Saturday, August 22, 2020

RCMP overlooked “workplace theft” in effort to protect Wortman’s CI status ? Parole Board less charitable

MEMO to employers : the RCMP doesn’t really consider it a crime : not when it helps them laundry-the-truth
A nasty fight is brewing between the RED SERGE and the Parole Board.

Only this time, the media is portraying the Mounties as being ultra-flacid on crime and the Parole Board - of all people ! - as coming across as tough-on-crime.

Normally the media loves to portray the Mounties are ever-determined to ‘get their man’ and the Parole Board as being all too willing to let unrepentant killers back out on the loose.

But when it comes to Gabriel Wortman, as usual, the RCMP does a complete volte-face.

But it was not Wortman’s dead face they were trying to protect - it was their own.

Pete Griffon, convicted drug dealer with Outlaw Biker and Latin American drug gang connections, initially lied to the RCMP right after the April Wortman killings, claiming he hadn’t printed up the Mountie car decals that allowed Wortman to  kill so many people by evading RCMP capture for so long.

But after the Mounties searched his boss’s print shop and Griffon’s phone, they found he had lied.

Griffon had illegally sold material owned by his boss and illegally used equipment of his boss to make the decals.

Three violations in one.

Firstly, workplace theft, a criminal offence.

Secondly, copyright infringement of the RCMP copyright on the decals ; a civil law matter.

Thirdly : lying to hinder a police investigation into 23 murders : again a criminal offence.

Oddly, the RCMP overlooked all three matters : Mountie Superintendent Darren Campbell blandly lying about them to the CBC in an exclusive June interview cum back massage.

(Do I really need to remind readers why I hate press “exclusive” interviews : they’re a land where the softest of softballs go  —-and  then refuse to die.)

Nope, said our Darren : my good buddy Pete (I can call you Pete, yes ?) has been perfectly co-operative.

(Er - no, he had lied to the RCMP, stolen their copyright and had enabled a man to kill an RCMP office and 22 other innocents.)

Yes we own the copyright on the decals he used without our permission but we will not be taking him to civil court.

And know we don’t think this crime of workplace theft is really a crime, Parliament erred there, so we won’t be taking Griffon to criminal court either. Ditto lying to the police during a mass murder investigation isn’t really a crime.


What the Red Serge didn’t tell the CBC was that they had cut the same deal they had with dozens of the other “witnesses” they had interviewed.

With a nod and a wink, they made it clear that they would not pursue charges against individuals or expose their earlier moral failings re Wortman (failing to report his illegal gun caches, drug smuggling, tax-avoiding cash-under-the-table deals, for a start) as long as they kept their mouth shut and didn’t blab all to the press.

The RCMP needed a lot more time to truth-launder their relationship to the Wortman family over the years.

Pete Griffon benefitted from this kid gloves treatment but he was hardly the only one.

But then the Red Serge heard that ‘the f—-king Parole Board had to go and do its f—king legally prescribed job’ instead of acting as bureaucrats are supposed to do : wherein protecting their own ass is always JOB ONE.

But maybe the Parole Board’s decision to revoke Griffon’s parole and make that decision fully public was in fact the (Parole Board) bureaucrats, once again, protecting their own ass.

This time it was only the Mounties who were left holding the bag....

Friday, August 21, 2020

Yes, Edward Cornwallis was morally evil ; but his horse was not, and neither was the ship Tallahassee

Tree condemned to death for involvement in fatal car crash
There are religions around the world, very ancient religions indeed, that claim moral agency for the wind and the sun and the rocks and the animals & trees.

Fair enough.

But I hardly doubt that the knee-jerk WOKERS trying to condemn a ship for the sins of slavery are advocating for those religions.

They are simply being illogical.

Their failure is a type of category fail : yes Cornwallis School is named after a morally bad man, Edward Cornwallis, so we must change the name  - equally because slavery was/is at least as bad as Cornwallis, Tallahassee must lose its name because a ship (not this time a horse or a tree or a rock) somehow was at least as morally bad as Cornwallis....

COVID “trained seals” aren’t helpful : from the Left or the Right

when it comes to COVID, lets leave the “trained seals” to the circus... 
I have friends on the Right who seem to feel compelled to defend Trump’s response to Covid, regardless whether they have private doubts or not.

And I have friends on the left who seem to feel just as compelled to remain silent on the Swedish Social Democrats’ equally flawed response to the pandemic.

I was a social democrat, like Sweden’s current ruling party and Canada’s opposition NDP, from late 1969 to late 2004 : 35 years inside that particular whale.

The CCF proceeded the NDP from 1933 to 1961 and they had been very close students of the British Labor Party, from soup to nuts.

But by the late 1960s, the cult had moved on to the Swedish Social Democrats as the Alpha & Omega of NDP intellectual thought.

No surprise then that both the formal NDP structure and its left-leaning friends in the Canadian media have not complained anywhere near as hard about the Swedish Social Democrat response to Covid as they have when conservatives in America and the UK also propose to develop national herd immunity by letting the weak and elderly to go to the wall, for the common good.

As Orwell noted 80 years ago, conservatives and lefties criticizing each other, while defending every inane twist and turn from their own side, is nowhere as effective as when left and right critique their own sides.

On Covid, as on so many other issues, we need more Orwells and less trained seals from both Left and Right....

Thursday, August 20, 2020

“Slavery 101” is a noose & a blue pickup truck in Chester, not 150 year old name

NOOSES & BLUE PICKUPS more a racist threat in NS today than 150 year old name 
Yes it was slave-owning Confederates behind the ship Tallahassee escaping through Halifax Harbour’s narrow and shallow Eastern Passage in the total darkness of a pre-electricity night.

And yes Tallahassee is a city in the slave-owning American South.

But the names of ships owned by racists is not, in itself, inherently racist : what if this ship had been called Peace or Truth or Beauty instead ?

Would we then have to remove those words from everything  around us —-over the fear that five year old children will immediately associate those words with events that happened more than 150 years before they were born?

My father was a professor of Logic for a half century, trying to make often quite illogical young undergraduates a bit more willing to probe what they were really saying  —-before opening their mouths.

 It is that same lack of logic I see in so many new Professors ( professors with a capital P)  who are determined to make their new Chairs & new Programs better known —- and who are willing to grasp at every straw to make it so.

There are much more immediate and dangerous examples of racism in Nova Scotia - right now - today ! - than the fear that the name of a 150 year old ship will infect 5 year old kids.

My granddaughter goes to Tallahassee school and you WOKERs can change that name if you must —- but do then follow that brave bold action with yet another : be as forthright in condemning a young man in today’s Chester Nova Scotia area who is seething with racial rage and is displaying all the tells of a potential mass killer in the making : a human SS Rhosus just about to explode.

Condemn the RCMP’s (& the Crown’s) unwillingness to pay heed to the warning of  pioneering mass killer profiler Mary Ellen O’Toole that there are almost always visible & public warning signs that helps society pick out those who possibly might lash out at society by staging a mass killing.

Promise me that, WOKERS - won’t ya ?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

WORTMAN II lives on the South Shore with a noose and blue pickup : seething with hate : a keg of dynamite about to go off

potential Mass Murderers DO give off red trigger warnings : its just that cops ignore them...
This is perhaps how a future ‘WORTMAN’ started : in a public park, with a noose & a blue pickup .....and crucially : Mountie indifference.

If you are a cop and you wish to embolden a potential mass murderer, do nothing to hinder their first tentative moves.

Tell them that racial hatred isn’t a crime, tell them that driving up to deliberately wave a noose in front of little black kids isn’t a crime.

And then sit back and do nothing when they boast about their evil ways on social media.

And then act all shocked when you wake up one morning on the 13th floor of Mountie headquarters to find that 23 innocent black people are dead when a blue pick-up truck is driven at high speed into a  group of worshippers leaving a black Baptist church on a Sunday morning.

This is how a ‘Wortman’ starts : with Mountie indifference, backed-up by Crown indifference.

This is how Wortman DID start : threatening and beating up a kid for no reason at all, (several kids several times actually), only to skate down to a $50 fine...

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

QAnon : we hired child molester Trump to catch other child molesters : he’s a CI, like Wortman

Look at that one, Jeff !” “But she’s only 14 !” “Yeah but she has the body of a 12 year old !”
By now you probably know QAnon’s gag.  They start with an admission : “yes, at time President Trump has appeared distracted and, uh, ‘over-tired’ ”.

“But you see, he’s actually been leading a double life : defending Western Democracy Adolf-style by day, probing sex perverts buried deep inside the deep state by night.”

They assure us that mass arrests of liberals are due any day, probably after November 3rd.

Trump, QAnon says, is only pretending to fear Robert Mueller : actually they have been secretly working together to prevent a coup by Obama, Hilary & George (Soros - everybody into tin headgear knows him just as George).

Wait, K-Tel fans : there is more, much more.

The Q-crew are also set to bust a vast international child molesting ring, led by all those liberals in Hollywood.

But since the QAnon are all church-going folks who never visit nightclubs or movie theatres how could they ever hope to get inside the white slavery ring to find the Mr & Mrs Bigs ?

Brainwave : hire a child pervert with lots of contacts in high society and international pervert rings : The Donald !

The Donald is the perfect creep to slime his way into a pervert ring : remember those old law suits from 14 year old girls claiming he sexually assaulted  them - all those photos & videos of him making inappropriate remarks about young teen girls - his thoughts on what he secretly would like to do with his own daughter.

Originally, it was understood that the QAnon vigilanties were under orders to bust in early May, orders from the DA,  but then Covid came along —— and its vandals took the handle....

Despite the CBC, there is in fact NO law that says you “have to go” to funerals...

Many Africans admit that their elaborate funerals impose heavy burden on families, but no law compels anyone to attend
If you believe what you hear from the CBC, it is easy to feel just a little bit sorry for the 50 year old doctor from Campbeltown NB, who didn’t self-isolate after a visit into Quebec, even though dozens got Covid and two died.

As the CBC tells it, his wife HAD to go to a funeral.

Now let me pick up the rest of the story : she left a four year old alone, so naturally her husband HAD to leave NB to visit the child and then, for some reason, he  HAD to go back to work in New Brunswick right away, without first self-isolating.

I come from a generation where many of our parents were too poor or perhaps too sick to go to distant funerals of even their closest relatives : people understood, people accepted.

There is, in fact, no law in Canada that compels anyone to attend funerals - and I am willing to bet there is no such law in the Congo either.

Why then did the CBC say the woman HAD to go ?

I suspect it is a form of unconscious racism from both the writer and their editors :  somewhat along the lines of “those colored folks from the Congo have some pretty funny ways  - they probably HAVE to attend those week-long funeral ceremonies or they are cast out of the tribe forever..., etc etc”.

I admit the cast of custom is indeed strong, but tens and tens of millions of overseas Africans don’t have the money to go home for funerals, Covid or not, and their families accept that reality.

The woman - equally - could have said to her folks back home, ‘I can’t take my kid or leave her alone and my husband cant help, due to Covid and his job. I send my regrets, love xx’

Dan & Cheryl took the pay but didn't do the work : a man died

their REAL crime was being bone-f—-king-lazy
Dan Fraser & Cheryl Gardner got lucky : no jail time. No chance then of some uncaring bastards neglecting to check on them while they were in a suicide watch cell.

Yes, they were found guilty of criminal negligence in the jail death of Corey Rogers, who choked to death on his own vomit because he was wearing a waterproof spit hood all night.

Policy was that the hood should have been removed as soon as possible.

And above all , that prisoners-at-risk like Corey must be checked every 15 minutes all through his stay.

Forget all the defence lawyer diversion talk about this complicated spit hood whatever : think, instead, like a parent, grandparent or older sibling.

Think of stone-drunk Corey as if he was a newborn : what university education do you really need to realize, instinctively, that you should check on the baby throughout the night ?

The pair took our taxpayers’ money, damn good money too compared to whatever I earned in my life, but failed to do this vital job.

A young man, a new young father, got publicly drunk, one night. An offence, yes, but a mild one, almost understandable.

Instead he died.

I did Dan & Cheryl’s job, for several years, and at minimum wage too.

In the security unit at a mental hospital.

Hourly checks on the general population.

For people in TQ, people confided to a safe cell because they were judged at immediate risk of harming themselves or others : checks every 15 minutes all through the night.

 No one ever died on my watch.

I did so for two reasons : (a) I was required to and (b) I care about others - I didn’t want anyone to needlessly die.

Dan & Cheryl’s excuse was they were far far too busy to do even one (yep !) one single vital life-check in the course of a whole f-king night.

Please don’t think of them as convicted criminals ; not right now anyway ; think of them as potential employees.

Why would any employer in their right minds ever hire such lazy uncaring sods ?

I think the judge gave them the wrong sentence. Sure, sure, no jail time, a few years probation.

But forget, totally, the 200 hours of community ‘service’ : I don’t want those lazy uncaring bastards within a mile of any community.

Instead, make them pay back their wages they got for doing SFA : tell ‘em that in the future, when they start actually doing the job they were hired for, they will get paid again...

I hadn’t read this when I wrote this post : its Corey’s mom’s victim statement and I think it is more eloquent than anything that I just wrote - please read it and judge for yourselves...

Monday, August 17, 2020

Immune response to Covid leads to Myocarditis and to Myasthenia Gravis : Dawson would not be surprised !

This sleepy looking little boy changed our whole world for the better.........

Nova Scotian doctor Martin Henry Dawson made his scientific mark mark pioneering both DNA and penicillin.

His penicillin work, in particular, led ultimately to both the prevention of Rheumatic Fever and in curing the invariably fatal heart value disease it often produced : the dreaded SBE.

SBE , subacute bacterial endocarditis, is a by-product to what is currently killing and crippling so many of us right now : our own body’s immune system’s over-reaction to a virus or bacteria - in this case, Covid - damaging the outer surface of the heart : myocarditis.

 Dawson would not be surprised to learn of the chain of events from a mild reaction to a virus to a healthy young athlete suddenly dying on the field.

News today of covid sometimes causing MG, Myasthenia Gravis, would hit Dawson personally hard : he contracted this then invariably fatal disease while under great stress at the start of his penicillin saga and it killed him four and a half years later, after he lived long enough to see his effort yield literally world changing results...

Gabriel Wortman : big land developer or smalltime cash-only operator : or BOTH?

Make NO mistake : prime beneficiaries of  HRM CENTRE PLAN were owners who had earlier bought cheap rundown properties in downtown Dartmouth, like Wortman
Gabriel Wortman was such a total chameleon that one keeps asking : “Will the real Gabe Wortman please stand up, please stand up!”

After HRM created a new overall development plan for its central core, run down properties in the twin cities’ central core suddenly could be worth big fortunes, if they could be assembled into a lot big enough to erect a high rise.

That is because the new plan put HRM council on very shaky legal ground if they suddenly stopped a developer from putting up a ten to fifteen storey building on their downtown lot, merely because local residents opposed it in an election year.

Development can be a risky business if local governments suddenly change the rules after you put everything you own in hock to a bank to get your development started.

But the key takeaway was that there hadn’t been any cheap properties in the downtown core in Halifax since the late 1970s : but the downtown core definition for Dartmouth included a lot of what remains to this day slightly run down residential areas : bargains could be easily had up until the Centre Pan was passed.

So Gabriel suddenly saw his Portland Street lots, plus a tiny one he was trying to buy, easily double over their assessed value as a result of the plan - if he sold it in one piece to a developer.

Much much bigger profits might happen if he himself became that developer.

But you must put on your best bib and tuck to get anywhere as a developer : Banks definitely do lend to many sleazy people but not to visibly sleazy low life : you gotta at least look the part.

Gabe being such a natural actor (cum fraud), he might have been able to pull it off but for his other tendencies pulling him back down to his natural comfort zone.

If you ever walk into any sort of medical professional office, the first, second and third question you get asked is “do you have any medical insurance” ?

The bulk of their income comes from “third party payments” and their paperwork to get paid is at least as involved as the medical procedure is itself !

Wortman ran his denturist business on a cash only basis - very rarely allowing any other payment : even from well to do customers more used to other ways of doing business generally.

That memory of his unusual payment demands took hold in their mind’s eye after his murders spree and his death.

It just seemed so small time, so small town, so old fashioned ...

Big City Big Developer or small time small town cash-under-the-table sort of guy ?

Will the real Gabe Wortman please stand up, please stand up ?

Medical Records Snoopers : NS civil service managers protect THEIR privacy: not ours

Medical snooping : the REAL criminals are the managers who (a) let it happen & (b) quietly let the snooper go, uncharged
Both men and women commit crimes but it is men that usually end up charged, in court and in jail.

This is because in so many female crimes there is another - highly powerful - entity with strongly mixed interests in the whole affair.

An entity that is both a victim of these female crimes —— and their enabler.  That entity’s management employees are determined not to see their mistakes exposed in court and they chose a quiet secret termination of the offending female employee over informing the police and the justice system.

Embezzlement is a crime of both male and female criminals : but while few women ever robbed banks, they are involved in at least 50 % of embezzlements by line employees (rather than the embezzlement of owner- managers).

Embezzlement often caught only after years of successfully going undetected : clearly the firm or government agency’s actual auditing is not as thorough as it likes to boast : embarrassing.

So embarrassing that most such incidents never get in the public eye : the firm or government agency quietly tries to get most of the money back in return for secretly terminating - rather than charging - the employee.

Another crime that seems uniquely female is snooping in confidential medical records. I am 69, an avid lifelong news consumer, and I can never recall a male employee being caught out at this : readers can prove me wrong, but it surely is very rare !

Often the matter seems to revolve around vengeful sexual partners.

Vengeful male sexual partners frequently resort to violence, get charged and end up in jail.

But vengeful female sexual partners take a much more oblique approach : often seeking revenge by spreading hateful gossip behind the scene.

Or they snoop in private medical records.

 They do so knowing that at worst, they get will get fired silently & secretly, with no jail time and their reputation intact.

For like successful years of embezzlement, their crime means the government agency involved is quite lax in its controls over who sees medical records and why.

When caught the employee is quietly and secretly terminated. A slap on the wrist which ensures other would-be-snoopers feel emboldened. So the cycle keeps being repeated  —-and innocent people keep on being hurt.

Only if one of their victims goes to the media does the public ever hear about it. Then the guilty management staff go into high ass-protecting mode : claiming nothing can be said , due to “privacy laws”.

Note the “irony” here, Alanis.

That is the same privacy laws - by the by - that these slackards clearly failed to uphold when it came to the taxpayer victims.

So exactly whose privacy is being protected ?

Right : the criminal and their management enablers !

Read about the latest such case here : read it and weep...

Sunday, August 16, 2020

GOP won’t wear masks because, around the world, Covid is killing mostly DEMOCRATS

COVID isn’t yet hitting the GOLF & Country Set yet : so why wear masks ?
Covid is a disease spread by rich people (at least rich enough to fly outside their home countries) that kills mostly poor people.

This reverses centuries of public health cliches wherein the rich are (more or less willingly) taxed to pay for public health measures that prevent fatal infections among the poor spreading to the rich.

Republicans and their kin, around the world, tend to live in big homes on spacious lots in the semi-rural suburbia, they don’t tend to be frontline employees forced to travel on crowded public transit to deal face-to-face with hundreds of people every day, and they can afford better hospital care - and are treated better by the public health systems - than are poor people.

I haven’t mention racism for a very good reason : because rich colored folk in India get far better health treatment than do poor colored folk in India.

A country like Canada supposedly has the same free public health system for all : regardless of race, color, age, religion, place of birth etc.

Get real : the system may be neutral but the people manning and woman-ning it : you, me and our neighbours, still tend to pick and choose those among our fellow citizens we will go the extra mile for and those we kiss off with indifferent care.

Bottom line : a disproportional number of Canadians who tested positive for Covid and died of it, were poor. Perhaps poor and colored and immigrant , but definitely poor for sure.

The GOP knows all about Covid’s big death total numbers for America but they simply aren’t seeing those same big death figures among ‘their kind of people’ : the sort of people who they went to private high school with, golf with, work with, whose funerals they feel they must attend.

Until that starts happening, they won’t wear masks.

Heck they may even be secretly cheering on every additional news report that indicates Covid is killing off America’s blacks especially hard...

Saturday, August 15, 2020

BLM (BLACK LINES MATTER) : McNeil Govt’s desperate to protect Wortman whitewash

Alanis, isn’t it IRONIC a Whitewash begins with so much BLACK ?
Like Meyer’s crew at the Abbaye d’Ardenne, desperate regimes are prone to do desperate things to ordinary Nova Scotians.

The not-departing-soon-enough Stephen McNeil’s government lawyers are abusing the taxpayers’ own tax money to fight a desperate rearguard action.

An action designed to prevent that same public from ever learning even the most banal things about the NS RCMP’s all-out effort to sweep everything under the table about what went wrong (a lot/everything) during the mass killings of Gabriel Wortman.

Clearly McNeil’s government lawyers must feel that “BLACK LINES MATTER” because they will soon be up into the millions of dollars in costs trying to prevent almost everything on search warrants (that are ordinarily public court documents) from ever reaching the eyes of the Nova Scotia taxpayer.

The search warrants they initially were court-ordered to release still came out with more black lines of redacted banalities than text on the page.

Yet when these Black Lines are un-redacted, there was a collective “WTF?” from the media and their readers

Nothing hidden behind the Black Line was worthy of a tinkers’ damn - this was obstructionism, not to hidden something truly bad and scary, but to hide something that was truly banal and safe.

‘Obstructionism for the sake of Obstructionism’ : what business and government lawyers (armed with unlimited funds extracted from shareholders and taxpayers) do best : delay, delay, delay ....

Friday, August 14, 2020

Denturist Gabriel Wortman’s 20 years of under-the-table cash : receptionist/assistant Lisa Banfield knew nothing

Under strict orders from Trudeau & RCMP not to look into Gabriel Wortman’s income-tax dodging ?
Was it Erich Segal (or the think-nothing-but-kind-thoughts-brigade) that said “Being an Innocent Victim means never having to say you’re sorry” ?

This week it was learned that Completely Innocent Victim Lisa Banfield has made her move on getting her hands of some of Gabriel Wortman’s il-gotten lucre.

She was his common law wife and lab assistant /receptionist for 20 years : so why not ?

Thankfully, the Canadian Revenue Agency - taking its cue from the head “think-nothing-but-kind-thoughters” Justin Trudeau and the RCMP - won’t dare to look into whether Gabriel Wortman ever declared as income the money he made from his three plus decades of tobacco, drugs, booze and guns smuggling operations or from his under-the-table cash payments as a denturist.

That means there will something left in the estate for Ms Banfield to grab.

The CRA hasn’t got time to look into whether criminals payed their fair share of taxes —— not when they have ordinary citizens to terrorize.

Still I will send in my suggestion to them that they look into the finances of Gabriel Wortman, just for my perverse delight in hearing them reply : “water under the bridge, let bygones by bygones, never kick a mass-murderer when he’s down” etc, etc....

Sunday, August 9, 2020

dear MAORI, please don’t name your kids DICK because you will be appropriating an English word AND offending English-speakers world wide

Just like the English, sometimes the Maori also use the word for bush to mean something sexual : OMG, we are both fellow human beings after all !
Just like the word pussy in English, which has both a dictionary cum Sunday School meaning in English along with a more informal and taboo meaning, the Maori word huruhuru has both polite and less polite meanings.

This has gotten two businesses in trouble with a few self-publicizing WOKE Maori people, because the businesses consulted online dictionaries when creating new products, without looking further down the computer screen to discover that the word huruhuru also had some additional - rude - meanings.

And who says the oppressed of this world lack a sense of humour and a sense of irony : these Maori Awoke chose to tell the English that they are using the Maori language without permission - in  English  !

English is the world’s most successful language around the world because it had been the most relaxed as stealing and appropriating words and concepts from other people’s languages to expand its own ability to better communicate the smallest concepts of existence.

By contrast, languages from political cultures that insist on using no ‘borrow’ words (theft words, appropriating words) are bulky languages : they insist on explaining a new concept within the word itself, using their only their small ancient existing vocabulary.

In English, we must painfully memorize that the borrow word ski means, well a ski.

In a language like Icelandic, they would tend to call it something like “thin-sticks-to-glide-over-snow”.

I personally who prefer to live in a world where all languages freely stole and then adapted each other’s languages to the mutual enrichment for all.

If English cum Anglo- Saxons gave back all the words they stole - from the Greeks and Latins ever onwards, we’d be reduced to a mere few thousand Anglo-Saxon words that no one could spell or pronounce right, let along use right.

Words are exactly like the humble Nova Scotian earthworm - everyone loves them and wants more of them in their garden, but the plain awkward fact is that they are not native but an European invasive species  - as are all white Nova Scotians.

We humans have been invasive species ever since we crawled out of some remote little rift valley and started into invading Africa before taking on the whole world.

Instead of apologizing, both businesses should go on using these words in their more official dictionary meanings while telling these WOKE Maori to go Richard themselves in their Huruhuru where the sun never shines.....

Saturday, August 8, 2020

when you’re as WOKE as Sideman, the feelings of black victim & his family just don’t count

Sideman is just so WOKE
A white person severely injured a black working class person, all the while shouting the N-word at him.

Both the victim and his family wanted the BBC News to use the N-word to describe this racist assault.

That cut no ice with the middle class WOKE brigade who piled in on the BBC - led , in this instance, by a middle class BBC announcer known professionally as Sideman.

Major and micro verbal aggressions often don’t offend working class minorities as much as middle class do-gooders think : the working class fear the police actually beating them up more than they do the police cursing them.

They fear the landlord evicting them, the boss firing them, more than they do their racial slurs.

Life lived close to the edge has bigger concerns : fearing the stick and stones of life more than its words.

But have you ever tried asking the middle class left to actually listen to the views of the working class they profess to champion ?

Good luck with that : they often refuse or recoil en suite, finding the actual working class often too socially conservative, too old fashioned for their up-to-date tastes.


It appears the New Jerusalem, like Rome itself, will not be built in a day....

Friday, August 7, 2020

Gabriel Wortman’s arsenal of guns gotten the hard way : illegal smuggling cross US border

stealing someone else’s perfectly legal arsenal of weapons is probably the easiest way in Canada to become a mass murderer
There seems to be no limit how many guns you can legally own in Canada.

Even stored in gun cabinets, it is a breeze to get into homes while owners away and take the gun collection - often between one or two dozen legal guns, gun cabinets and all. And then break open the lock at your leisure, elsewhere.

Such thefts of major arsenals of legal guns happen weekly across Canada - a major major source of the country’s illegal gun supply.

Thanks to the gun lobby, don’t expect CBC is do a series on such thefts.

Or to ask whether hunting guns should be stored in local militia armouries and only taken out for a hunting trip and then returned.

Farmers could have a low powered single shot (no magazine) rifle for pests....

*I sincerely apologize for the mess this post originally was —- it was the combo of Google imposing a new version of Blogger upon us -grrrr !- and my physical keyboard suddenly dying, meaning I had do everything differently while using the virtual keyboard....

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Paulding County GOP ODs on covid stupidity

Paulding County students who snapped crowded hallways with almost no one wearing a mask were expelled by the GOP-oriented school administration.

Yet the Georgia county school system has one of the strictest - and dumbest - dress code in the country -which  it works hard to see to it that it is applied to the letter. 

But applying mask wearing regulations to the schools - a measure that will save lives -the same administrators says they just cant do, as it would be far too tough.

The county is so reputedly pro-Trump that it would feed its students bleach if the President asked....

Monday, August 3, 2020

Wortman inquiry : Lifer cops investigating Lifer cops : it stinks !

Multi-Generation Cop families living protected inside the Big Blue Bubble isn’t just for the movies
Justice Industry insiders & lifer cops Bill Blair and Mark Furey* (both whose fathers were also lifer cops) appoint lifer cop Leanne Fitch Fitch (whose dad was also a lifer cop) to investigate the public‘s concerns how the justice industry handled lifer criminal Gabriel Wortman - both during his 40 years of punishment-less criminality before his shooting spree as well as during the 14 hours of his shooting spree.

While us chickens can do nothing but watch helplessly, once again foxes will sit in judgement on foxes.

These people have been inside the Big Blue Bubble for so long they have no idea what it can be like to have to live outside it.

It stinks !

*Mark Ignatius Furey is the son of retired Mountie Ignatius (Ed) Furey, former president of the retired RCMP vets association...

The “So What ?” shrug explains why Wortman-the-criminal skated for 40 years

first thing Mike “LAW’N’ORDER” Harris did was make radar detectors legal to the delight of CONS everywhere...
According to an unusually detailed article in the Globe & Mail, July 5th 2020, by Greg Mercer, Gabriel Wortman began his career as a criminal offender back in his early teen years almost 40 years ago.

He kept on committing offences for the rest of his life - but never ever spent a single night in jail.

Possibly because many of those offences were not considered to be ‘real’ offences in the eyes of many in his circle of acquaintances.

Now I am a stickler for regarding all offences as actual offences under the law - I might be lenient as to what sentence I feel fair - but that’s it.

Many others : perhaps as any as 30% of the population - disagree.

I call them the “So What, Lots of People Do It” brigade.

CONS, usually : tough on law ‘n’ order CONS.

Yes sir, these people are tough on law and order - but only against darkies and foreigners breaking the law. (In an earlier generation it would be darkies, foreigners and catholics, but I digress.)

Gabriel the 12 year old firing off a high powered air gun in an unsafe manner : so what, a lot of me and my friends did that, so what ?

Breaks speed limits, running the occasional red light : so what ?

Drives an off road dirt bike illegally on a public highway : so what ?

Liberates a bit of a neighbour’s siding supplies to finish a wall at the Wortman home  : so what ?

Illegally smuggles tobacco and liquor across the US border to sell to others hoping to evade paying
taxes : so what ?

A medical professional who buys stolen property : so what ?

A medical professional who rips off friends, family and colleagues with fraudulent property deals : so what ?

A medical professional who is still breaking speeding laws as an adult with the help of an illegal radar gun : so what ?

A medical professional who hangs about with members of organized crime gangs : so what ?

A medical professional selling illegal narcotics : so what ?

A medical professional who does work off the books, for cash, to evade income taxes : so what ?

A medical professional who tries to seduce his female and male customers : so what ?

A medical professional planning to open a big grow-op : so what ?

A medical professional who threatens and beats up children for walking on the sidewalk in front of his home : so what ?

A medical professional who illegally smuggles in high powered American guns, to evade our gun laws : so what ?

A medical professional who beats up his common law partner in front of (male/like-minded/drinking buddies) : so what ?

A medical professional who despite all this, is still on the Board of Directors of his local Medical Professional Society: so what ?

A husband of 19 years who regularly and openly cheats on his partner with men and women  : so what ?

A medical professional who burns down his neighbour’s property over a boundary dispute : so what ?

A medical professional who threatens to kill neighbour : so what ?

Ditto his mother and father : so what ?

Ditto a policeman : so what ?

Finally : 40 years later, actually does kill 23 people before he himself is shot dead.

Suddenly from the ‘so what’ brigade its, “Oh My God, what a Totally Evil person that nice denturist Gabriel has suddenly become”.....

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Trigger Warning : scientific jokes about c. elegans hurt marginalized says AHNA SKOP

you think Trump or Trudeau lives in a bubble separated from the reality of minimum wage life ? : meet  AHNA SKOP
Along with fruit flies, yeast and e coli bacteria, the humble little round worm c elegans is what scientists call a model organism : a standardized living being you can buy off the shelf around the world, secure than scientists anywhere else can replica your efforts exactly and can not dismiss your results as unique only to a rare variant.

Like people everywhere, scientists who champion each of these popular models must compete against other model organisms and others projects for scarce money : grant monies.

When they fail to get a grant, scientists like to vent by making jokes about one or other of the other competing model organisms.

No harm done - right ?

Until 2020, this year of the Woke and of the Karens.

(If you hate reading about anymore Karens, do not read any further.)

One scientist went - hammer and tongs - against anyone who found round worm jokes funny.

She saw it as a form of micro-aggression.

Because jokes about the little round worm were actually a symbolic stand in for indirect aggression against all sorts of marginalized humans, leading to a bystander effect when these groups are directly attacked.

Like herself.

Ahna Skop certainly ticks a lot of ‘marginalized humanity’ boxes.

Disabled with EDS, low income, indigenous (East Coast Cherokee), Middle Eastern (Lebanese), East European (Ukrainian), female. (This to quote her Twitter micro bio.)

Did I forget any more marginalized boxes ?

Oh yes : PhD, tenured, associate professor, famous research university...

Saturday, August 1, 2020

the wacky world of FOLK revivalists

the IRON LAW OF REVIVALISM  is that the thing being revived in fact never existed
I don’t know how different our Maritime Canada ancestors from a few centuries back really were compared to us  —-but the original revivalists in the Folk movement didn’t help much.

They seemed to indicate that all our Maritime ancestors either went to dances where fast instrumental tunes were silently danced to all night or people sat silently at home and listened to an old fellow slowly sing very long ballads accapella style.

Nothing at all like our current era where people in very different societies all over the world prefer to listen to songs that they can also dance to.

Folk collectors seem to have divided into two groups : those who were mostly interested in the texts of old ballads still surviving among rural people : they often couldn’t be bothered to collect their melodies let alone ask if they ever had a musical accompaniment.

In fact we do know ballad broadsides were generally sold as texts only — but with the explicit instructions that they were to sung to this or that well known hit tune‘s melody and meter.

Well known hit tunes we know were frequently performed with voice and instruments in more theatre like settings.

Other collectors - often ‘sidemen’ performers - set about collecting old instrumental ( aka sidemen’s ) tunes they could add to their personal repertoire and also make available to others of a like mind.

Many of those tunes which today only known as fast instrumental dance tunes, we now realize often began as slightly slower vocal airs.

So in the past as today, many tunes were both danced to and sung to, often together if people could arrange for it.

“Folk Singers” and ‘Trad Musicians” distort this simple fact because these two movements tend to attract ultra extroverts or ultra introverts.

The ultra extroverts love to hold the stage and raise their voices to the rafters : they write new ‘folk’ songs that focus on the words over melody or accompaniment.

The ultra introverts move to the Trad music circles : they bury themselves in large groups of fellow introverts who silently play instrumentals all evening, barely saying a word or even lift their eyes from their fretboards.

(I exaggerate but you get my drift...)

East Coast Music newly composed and played in the Maritimes today usually is capable of being sung and danced to - fair enough. But they often feel this method isn’t fully authentic to our treasured- honoured past.

Bull feathers !

What our “East Coast Music” needs is a heartfelt statement from the trad folk purists that the Maritime music of the past was also ‘sung and danced to’ as well...