Monday, October 5, 2020

America’s next invasion will be into Canada, seeking water not oil this time

Iraq style invasions are, like, so over man !

America will no longer invade others’ lands, pretending to be bringing US style democracy - complete with high tech vote suppression - while actually there to steal their oil.

Because America is finally going renewable as it decides to turn the bloody steadily baking sun into a steady cash crop instead.

But that same baking sun is making the High Plains & South West a lot more dry.

More dry - they’ve always been dry.

That’s why the citizens there been gulping steadily from one-time only giant aquifers to sustain their mass grain crops, that for the manufacturing-depleted American economy, is now their biggest single export.

But a new study out says that both Kansas and Texas are already permanently past their Peak Wheat peak,  as there is less and less in the aquifer beneath their states to sustain the high water-wasting wheat species we all like to grow.

I think Trump & Putin have already cooked up a deal to fix this problem. 

Putin pretends to make a grab for Canada’s northernmost islands looking for gas and oil, so that America can pretend to protect us from the Red State to our north ——- in return for Canadian water concessions for Trump’s Red States to the south.

And if Canada doesn’t give the water concessions - then a steady drumbeat of news stories about the horrors of Canadian socialism (like Medicare covering Covid hospital costs) and an invasion to save Canada from Canadian voters.

Ironically, the provinces Trump’s stormtroopers will invade are Canada’s own Red States : Interior BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba... but hey, no omelettes without breaking eggs, eh ?

Do I sound needlessly paranoid ? I sure hope so...

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