Friday, October 16, 2020

2020 Ballot Question : “Do you want your kids to grow up in Mr Roger’s Neighbourhood - or live with their crazy uncle all the time ?”


If American women are going to decide the 2020 American elections - and I believe they will - then it is fitting that two of those women had the honour of finally settling the all important Ballot Question:

“Moms, do you want your children to grow up in Mr Roger’s Neighbourhood - or do you want them to live with their crazy uncle all the time?”

Thank GOP strategist Mercedes Schlapp, a media messaging expert, I might add , for setting up the first half of the ballot question.

She tweeted to a national audience and tried to ‘diss’ Joe Biden by comparing him to the beloved TV personality and Presbyterian minister Fred Rogers, well known for always promoting kindness and decency. (President Trump is a Presbyterian by the way, Mercedes !)

I think her comments are what we in the trade called ‘earned’ Democratic media worth, what, $300 million ?

The second part of the ballot question came from journalist, lawyer and Democratic voter Savannah Guthrie who pulled most of NBC’s irons out of a very hot fire by grilling President Trump instead - and in a way that had never happened before in his entire life.

As the President once against promoted a QAnon lie that the navy Seals did not really kill bin Laden , the thoroughly exasperated Guthrie said you’re the President , you can’t just walk away from responsibility for promoting this shit like you were just some crazy uncle.

Bullseye !

Because we all - all of us - have a ‘crazy uncle’ somewhere in our extended families : yes, yes it might be a brother in law or a crazy girl cousin, but you know what I mean.

The kind that makes Thanksgiving dinner an embarrassing and tense affair every year.

I’ve been scanning the early media reports and these two gotchas are the big takeaways from the duelling townhalls.

‘Cause I love ya, I’m just putting them both together in one slick smoothie for your breakfast discernment.

No need to thank me...

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