Friday, September 18, 2020

Me giving money to terrorist civil liberties group, stupidest decision of my life

 I only did it just that once - and I am all better now.

I was too naive to see that there was an un-balanced bias, an unconsciously AMERICAN bias, in the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA)’s pattern of activities.

You see, like most people, I sometimes want to do my own thing, irregardless of whether other people approve or not and other times I am want someone to step in to stop other people from doing their own thing, because it is seriously harming me.

In other words, I - like you but never ever the CCLA -  have a daily struggle to strike a balance between my rights to myself and my responsibilities to others.

Generally I believe all citizens (but not mere residents, as it happens) of Canada should be able to move freely about the entire country - except in special circumstances, when doing so will harm innocent others.

I thus agree with Newfoundland’s restriction on who may enter that province during a global deadly Covid pandemic.

But not the CCLA : Canadians they told the NL court, must be able to exercise their right to travel freely throughout the entire country, spreading their covid viruses willy-nilly, other innocent peoples’ lives be damned.

I am thus glad, glad I say, that the NL Supreme Court ruled it was okay to temporarily restrict freedom of movement to save lives during a pandemic.

But I wish the court had gone further and suggested the federal government look into banning the CCLA as a terrorist organization , for promoting a wicked ideology right up there with ISIS and QAnon.

The covid death toll in America is the worst in the world - in a country that leads the world in medical technology - and its entirely down to about half its population drinking the deadly and selfish Kool-Aid that the CCLA is peddling here at home.

We are very lucky, that so far only a large minority here in Canada have been drinking steadily at the CCLA’s fount of poison.

We need to stop these people before they drag us down the the American gutter of exercising absolute unchecked personal freedom over our duties to protect innocent others...

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