Sunday, July 5, 2020

Crown brings up CIs - repeatedly - in the Gabriel Wortman file, only to dismiss it : methinks they douth protest too much...

the CROWN is queering the Ceeb’s pitch .....
It must be some new fangled brain-dead mental tick (or an age-old guilty conscience) that is causing the crowns to constantly bring up CIs (confidential informants) in the Gabriel Wortman hearings to decide just how much of the ‘public’ court search warrant documents the ‘public’ can be safely allowed to read.

Because just as fast as the words CI roll off their honeyed tongues it rolls back in again : they claim, (under oath ?) that there  are no CIs involved in either with GW or with the search warrants about him issued after his death.

(I repeat - because it bears repeating - no search warrants were ever issued in Wortman’s 23 years of violence prior to his killing 23 innocents in April 2020).

Those loose-lipped crown attorneys are making the job of the CBC so very much harder.

Because the job of CBC employees, at least as they see it ( inside the John Reith-addled parts of their brains)  is to only tell their employers, the taxpayers, what news the CBC thinks they should hear.

Guarding the gates of ‘Legitimate Controversy’, to use media critic Daniel Hallin’s indelicate phrase.

And the CBC early on decided - another brain-dead mental tick or another set of guilty consciences ? - that using GW & CI in the same sentence of CBC News was just not on.

But the Crown - ultimately QEII herself - is ever-busy, queering that particular pitch....

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