Saturday, May 23, 2020

Stan & Doris Wortman’s kids and grands - without exception - had successful careers

Including grandson Gabriel. And then 24 people died.

Stan and Doris had only a modest working class home at 43 Edgett Avenue Moncton, which probably was pretty crowded in the early 1960s with seven people living there. Yet the family steadily advanced up the social scale.

Stan worked for the CNR, as had his dad George before him. He was in the Canadian Navy during the war, though not before marrying Doris, the only Canadian-born member of a family from England who settled in prosperous Stratford Ontario.

Stan wasn’t perhaps overly talkative and he could have a temper, but Doris seemed a lively sort.

Exactly how young Doris ended up working in a factory in less-prosperous Moncton , thousands of km away, is not known.

Eldest son Neil, ended up with a doctorate in Education - a prominent figure in Maritime education circles.And all of his and wife Annette’s three children did well for themselves. He now lives in Shediac.

Paul the next oldest, seemed to have travelled the hard road for a few years, but he and Ev now live along Moncton’s pricy residential waterfront, suggesting that eventually he did alright as an industrial salesman.

 You have already read about the financial success of his eldest son Gabriel and seen pictures of his fine big homes  —- before he burnt them all to the ground.

Jeff, Ev and Paul’s younger son, is a well known and well respected restoration carpenter in New England, a place where they really do treasure their historical heritage —- and the people who restore it.

Alan, the next of Doris & Stan’s sons, became a member of the RCMP , in fact graduated before the Queen herself, at the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Force. He had notable successes in Newfoundland and is said to have ended up in the elite SWAT team. Al and Debbie have a couple of great kids, he is crazy about sports, and is retired in Ottawa.

Glynn, the next son, never married but got a great job in the federal government out in Edmonton. he sold his condo there to make the payment on his house in Portapique next to his nephew Gabe.  Glynn lived to party but is now in ill health in a nursing home in Moncton.

Cris the youngest son, also joined the RCMP - his graduation was attended by Gabe, in what may be a formative event in his life. Chris finished his career in BC where he was a community representative because he had a really great rapport with kids and teachers.

 Cris is retired with his wife Margie in the Chilliwack area where their two sons excel in sports and their daughter is into genealogy.

When Stan died in 1977, Doris had a second spouse, probably from Michigan - a man who may have brought American gun values (and American guns ?) into impressionable wee Gabe’s head. She died in 1997. Gabe’s step-granddad is also dead...

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