Thursday, April 23, 2020

Gabriel Wortman had issues with parents as well as uncle and neighbours and passers-by.

Finally, idle speculation about Gabriel Wortman’s motives is being filled out with solid facts from things like court documents.

This story I will tell you about was investigated by Steve Bruce from the Halifax Chronicle Herald  ——though I stumbled upon it in the (British) TELEGRAPH !

Let me focus on what is truly new here and let me say it confirms my earlier suspicions***.

Gabriel’s uncle Glynn is about the same age as Gabriel and suffers from a very serious chronic condition.

This very sick man engaged his brother Paul, Gabriel’s father, to act as his power of attorney in trying to get back property that was rightfully his, back from his nephew Gabriel.

Gabriel’s father, the court document reveals, had one hell of time getting anywhere with his own son to help a seriously ill relative.

Forget - for just one moment - that Gabriel killed 24 people in cold blood.

Just consider this story alone - an ungrateful swine of a millionaire son stealing from a sick relative when he is helpless and then blowing off his own dad, who gave him anything he wanted - expensive motor bikes and expensive guns -  when he was a teenager.

The folks on the EAST ENDERS tv series would have a choice word or two ( that I can print in front of the children) for a man like that : “pond scum” , “a waste of space”.

Yes it is “only a family matter”, but when it comes to explaining mass killers, “family” is the ONLY thing that matters.

I truly believe that whatever warped Gabriel Wortman into one of the planet’s most cold blooded hands-on mass killers ever, happened in his early years before he was five.

Then, when the infant brain is still plastic, a combination of the irregular brain chemistry they were born win combined with a period of prolonged stress (abandonment issues maybe) creates the potential for almost unlimited fear and rage in some people.

It takes further events later in life to unleash that potential : lucky those situations are rare.

This scenario sought me to look back, way back, into Gabriel’s earliest years.

Briefly here is what I found : in early 1970 when Gabriel’s legally married parents, Paul and Evelyn, found they had another child coming along they made the very hard - and very unusual -  decision to put the child up for immediate adoption.

They said that they had serious undisclosed financial problems.

In fact, they were living and working  in Massachusetts, which after the 1965 Hart-Celler Act was no longer that easy for Canadians to do.

Something drastic had driven from their New Brunswick home to find uncertain work in a foreign land.

After Gabriel was fully grown, his parents sought to reunite with the son (who it turns out was a truly wonderful son - a hero in his local community) that they had given up for adoption.

They eventually found him and re-united with him in a very public ceremony with full bonding between both of the boy’s families.

***Except for Gabriel.

The millionaire self-employed son couldn’t find either the money or the time to join his own parents in their moment of extreme happiness.

Some kids never ever react well to mom getting a new baby.

One wonders if Gabriel saw his mom and dad as having buyer regret :  if his parents gushing on and on about their wonderful prodigal son, were also secretly thinking they had put the wrong kid up for adoption all those years ago.

So I speculated at the time that I guessed that Gabriel never did visit his brother, even though his parents promised the local Massachusetts media he would.

Now I am not doing that great a job investigating Gabriel’s earliest years, stuck in an apartment just  a few hundred metres from his LAST home in Dartmouth Nova Scotia but hundreds and hundreds of kilometres and dozens of years from his FIRST homes in Massachusetts and New Brunswick.

Gabriel Wortman spent MOST of his life in New Brunswick, that’s the province that shaped him : that’s the province where the explanation lies.

But it is as if the NB CBC has become totally embedded in the New Brunswick Department of Tourism : “ please don’t breath a word that the killer was from New Brunswick or there goes next year’s tourist season” .

Our publicly funded media should be out there in their home province breaking the hard ground to uncover the  “why” in this tragedy.

Hell, the RCMP Commissioner said as much on the CBC National : we need to do deep background build a profile to explain his actions.

So come on , CBC New Brunswick, stop covering up - start uncovering : its your duty ....

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