Sunday, October 4, 2020

Jews who voted for & financed Trump now stunned by rise in anti-semitism from his supporters

Forty percent of America’s Orthodox Jews voted for Trump in 2016 - a helpful but hardly decisive nudge towards his surprise victory. 

Far more important was the hundreds and hundreds of millions of money that some of the richest Jews in the world funnelled his way : decisive in paying for all those quiet Facebook ads that encouraged this group of voters to support him and this group of voters to abandon Clinton.

Without this money from these Jews he would not have got elected.

They fully knew what Trump was like of course, but made a pact with the Devil to get what they really wanted - like support for Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

They figured they could control and tame Trump.

Too clever by half - like the hundreds of thousands of German Jews who did not flee Hitler’s Germany, figuring they could rinse him away like dirt after a shower.

Some dirt : some shower !

I dont expect all Jews any where any time to think alike or act alike and I do recognize that 70% of all American Jews did in the end vote for Clinton and support her with hundreds of millions as well in donations.

But Jews, like all small insecure groups (and as opposed to larger more secure groups) do show a marked reluctance to attack other Jews publicly on their stances that are harmful to all Jews.

I understand why : but I will argue that in 2016, the best and most moral decision was to in fact attack other Jews on their support for Trump : head on and full force.

Yes it takes great courage  to openly attack one’s own kith and kin but at times, the Talmud suggests, it is morally necessary....

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