Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Did Gabriel Wortman murder BEFORE April 18th - as he claimed ?


There are two sorts of people who drink too much.

One type we’ll call Types “B” personalities. After one drink, they’re a rocket scientist, after two drinks, a brain surgeon. You know the type.

We don’t pay any attention to what they say after they’d had too much to drink.

Others we will call “Type A” personalities. You never ever know really know what they truly are thinking because they wear such a tight “normal” mask all the time.

But after a few drinks, it all pours out and they really unload about how they feel about their spouse flirting with their best friend. Everyone at the party is floored and more than a little embarrassed : the feelings are just so raw and on the surface.

I never knew Gabriel Wortman, let all be friendly enough with him to get drunk with him when he let down his hair and ‘relaxed’.

But some friends of his have talked about the experience - admittedly after he was dead : but would you actually want to get on this guy’s bad side, by being open and honest about his drinking bouts, while he was still alive ?

They claimed that when drunk Gabe relaxed his normal “I’m just a friendly neighbourhood denturist” act and boasted how he had used his illegal stash of guns to kill people.

Why did he kill them ?

He didn’t say  ——- but it is accepted (even by the sometime fact-resistant RCMP) that he had a 40 year old history of illegally smuggling all sorts of things across the New Brunswick-Maine border and he definitely didn’t like his partners to double cross (or appear to double cross) him.

Eventually we may find the Wortman death toll was higher than 24 dead....

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