Thursday, September 24, 2020

Trump to herald in the THIRD american civil war ?

The losers in the SECOND american civil war largely choose to stay in the US, to write lots & lots (books and movies)  —- and to plot their revenge.

(Hint : think GOP & Trump.)

But very few people know about the far more brutal FIRST american civil war, wherein far more civilians per capita were directly murdered than anything that happened in the civil war of 1861-1865.

But most of the sorest losers in the FIRST american civil war, 1775-1783, fled - many to Canada of course, but in fact to all of the many places available within the vast British Empire. By and large they did not write —- or least were not widely read.

So it was left to recent historian like Canadian Walter Stewart (“TRUE BLUE”) and American Thomas B Allen (“TORIES”) to remind us just how brutal that first civil war actually was.

 How brother cold-bloodedly murder brother, sister, mother if they happened to be on the wrong side.

How people were suspected wholesale of being on the other side simply if they happened to be the minority ethnicity or religion in their particular district : panic-driven ethnic cleansing in other words.

I raise all this to express support for my believe that when - not “if” - the THIRD american civil war comes, it too will be on a scale of cruelty that will probably exceed that of the first american civil war, because today there are few few real neutrals or ‘trimmers’ - partisanship is a record high levels and each side tends to see the other as the personification of evil.

And, no, we can’t blame it all on Trump ; this is something very deep and elemental in the american culture.

Something present since the 1780s at least, if not earlier ( recall the earlier witch trials & brutal wars of extermination against Indians) : at its core, it is because American was founded by and has always disproportionally attracted religious fundamentalists, viewers of the world in shades of only black and white...

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