Tuesday, May 19, 2020
“COVID DEATHS START HERE” : at your local taxpayer-subsidized stadium
Stadium Rock isn’t yet dead, nor are taxpayer-subsidized Stadiums : but many Stadium-goers are.
No more so than from the stadium where the current world wide pandemic really took off : at a Feb 19th 2020 Champions League match between an away team from Spain and the home team in Northern Italy.
Supporters from both teams went home to spread Covid-19 among tens of thousands before themselves dying.
Police and anti-terrorism experts for decades have fretted about a chemical or germ warfare device spreading instant death throughout 50,000 to 100,000 spectators at a major musical or sporting event via the air circulation system at a semi-enclosed stadium.
I can’t recall them expressing fears that the spectators might’t die right away but instead return to their homes all over the world , to spread a slower but bigger death toll globally.
Between the dinosaurs of Arena Rock themselves dying of old age and potential concert goers of the future recalling that Covid started in a similar stadium to the one they are contemplating going to, stadium rock is on the watch-list.
Parlour rock, however, is doing just fine...
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